Unlinked ( Developer Search )

Solution to problem #2

Table of Contents


  • Generally, Looking for developers is a very boring process it is no fun at all.

    So what problem unlinked solves is to make hiring process fun and easier on a clutter free interface with the important information that a hiring manager actually need to get the candidate worth for an interview without wasting so much time.

Product Demo

Youtube Link

Prototype and Design

Note: While viewing the prototype, try to use as it is a website. Try hovering and clicking over buttons, dropdowns and everything that seems interactive.

Teamwork and Timeline

Team Work

  • Research & Strategy : Both of us worked on this part, we gave 3 dedicated days for proper research and strategy of how we are going to build this project.

  • Decision making & Conflict resolution : Many times we had conflicts on design, user experience and many other things but we always discussed about the conflict and what are the various ways to solve it and always came to a conclusion which was best for the project.

  • Scheduled Meetings : We had scheduled meetings to discuss about the progress and what we are going to do next.


Timeline Image

Challenges faced

Choosing tech stack

Solution - Coming from Django Background , It was hard to decide if i should go with Django and its inbuilt ORM or choose harperDB and loosing all django ORM features.we tried many options to go with , but Next.js was one of the best way to put all things together.

Everything else was easy !

Tech Stack Used

Next.js With Harper DB

Okay! but Why?

Because we can use the API feature in Next.js without spinning up a separate node server with express and without wasting time in integrating with React.

Also secure the HarperDB credentials using ENV variables. ( Which we didn't ).

Anyways, Hackathon so far.

Thank You!