
This javascript project creates a webapp for attendance management using qr codes.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Attendance Tracking Web App

This web application provides a platform for tracking attendance in various contexts, including educational institutions, offices, and events. The application has two main sections: User and Admin.

Sections Overview


Users can be Students, Employees, or Invitees. The user section includes the following functionalities:

  • Signup: Users sign up using OTP verification via their phone numbers. They will provide details such as full name, email ID, DOB, etc.
  • User Type Selection: After signup, users will specify whether they are a Student, Employee, or Invitee. Each type has a different flow:
    • Student: Students join courses using codes provided by professors. They generate QR codes for attendance during class times, which are scanned by professors to mark attendance.
    • Employee: Employees join departments using codes provided by office managers. They generate QR codes for attendance within the first hour of office time, which are scanned by managers.
    • Invitee: Invitees follow a similar process as employees, tailored to event attendance.


Admins can be either Owners or Managers, with the following functionalities:

  • Owner:
    • Owners sign up using OTP verification and provide institution details (name, address, official mail ID, website).
    • Verification of the institution is done through official site verification or address/mail-id verification.
    • Owners create Managers (Professors, Office Managers, Event Managers) and manage their credentials.
  • Manager:
    • Managers log in using credentials provided by the Owner.
    • Different types of Managers handle attendance tracking:
      • Professor: Manages classes and generates QR codes for students to scan for attendance.
      • Office Manager: Manages departments and scans QR codes for employees' attendance.
      • Event Manager: Manages events and scans QR codes for invitees' attendance.

How to Use

  1. On the front page, choose whether you are a User or Admin.
  2. Follow the appropriate signup/login process based on your selection.
  3. For Users:
    • Complete the OTP signup process.
    • Provide personal details and select your user type (Student, Employee, Invitee).
    • Join courses/departments/events using provided codes and generate QR codes for attendance as required.
  4. For Admins:
    • Owners complete the OTP signup process and provide institution details.
    • Owners create and manage Managers.
    • Managers log in using provided credentials and manage attendance tracking for their respective domains.

Future Extensions

Currently, the primary focus is on the Student-College system. Future updates will extend the functionality to include Employee-Office and Invitee-Event systems.


For any queries or support, please contact us at praveenrajpurak@gmail.com