
A sample vagrant configuration to setup a 4 node cluster

Configure a 4 node k8s with Vagrant and libvirt VM provider

This guide helps to setup a 4 node k8s cluster using k3s and also provides guidelines to attach and detach virtual block devices


This guide expects the following components to be installed

KVM and its utilities :-

sudo apt install qemu-kvm libvirt-daemon-system libvirt-clients bridge-utils

Verify the installation using

virsh list --all

Start libvirtd service

sudo systemctl enable --now libvirtd

Verify by checking the status

sudo systemctl status libvirtd

Install virt-manager

sudo apt install virt-manager

Verify by starting the GUI

sudo virt-manager

Install vagrant

 wget -O- https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com/gpg | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg

 echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg] https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hashicorp.list

 sudo apt update && sudo apt install vagrant

Spin up VMs using vagrant

Clone the repository

git clone 
cd vagrant

Spin up VMs using vagrant

vagrant up

Verify the VMs by

vagrant global-status

the master and the 4 nodes should be in running state

For eg,

id       name   provider state   directory                                     
17d3cdf  node1  libvirt running /home/praveen/go/src/github.com/minio/vagrant 
3f24371  node3  libvirt running /home/praveen/go/src/github.com/minio/vagrant 
7bf13d4  node4  libvirt running /home/praveen/go/src/github.com/minio/vagrant 
2ba66d5  node2  libvirt running /home/praveen/go/src/github.com/minio/vagrant 
204f6b1  master libvirt running /home/praveen/go/src/github.com/minio/vagrant 

Setup k8s on the master and nodes

  • Setup k3s on master

SSH into the master node

vagrant ssh master

Setup k3s

curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | sh -

Save the kubeconfig

cat /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml

Copy the k3s token from the master node (to be used later)

cat /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/node-token

Make a note of the master's ip

ip a s

Setup k3s on worker nodes (to be executed on each worker node)

curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | K3S_URL=https://<ip_of_the_master_node>:6443 K3S_TOKEN=<copied_token_from_master> sh -

Add the following host entries in /etc/hosts/ master.k8s.com master node1.k8s.com node1 node2.k8s.com node2 node3.k8s.com node3 node4.k8s.com node4

(the master can also update the host entries accordingly)

Check the cluster's health

Configure the kubectl in your client/host machine pointing to the cluster


export KUBECONFIG=k3s.yaml

Check the status of the nodes by

kubectl get nodes

Add LVs to the nodes

The following script will create one LV of size 800MiB. Feel free to customize as per your needs.

sudo truncate --size=1G /tmp/disk-1.img        
sudo losetup --find /tmp/disk-1.img
device=($(sudo losetup --noheadings --output NAME --associated /tmp/disk-1.img))
sudo pvcreate "${device}"
sudo vgcreate "vg-0" "${device}"
sudo lvcreate --name=lv-0 --size=800MiB vg-0

To remove the LVs,

sudo lvremove vg0
sudo vgremove vg0
sudo pvremove <loop1> <loopN>..
sudo losetup --detach-all

Add virtual block devices using virsh

The following steps will attach a block device of size 1G to the respective node

STEP 1: Create a raw image using qemu-img

qemu-img create -f raw "vdb.img" 1G

STEP 2: Create a config file (.xml)

<disk type='file' device='disk'>
  <source file='vdb.img'/>
  <target dev='vdb'/>

(Note: Save the file in .xml)

STEP 3: Attach the device using virsh in node1

sudo virsh attach-device vagrant_node1 <file>.xml --live --persistent

STEP 4: SSH into the node


Check if a new block device has been added

To detach the device,

sudo virsh detach-device vagrant_node1 <file>.xml