Carbon Emission Estimator

ℹ️ Project information

  • Project Name:
  • Short Project Description: Application to help consumers realize their carbon footprints.
  • Team Members: Abhinav Gangwar, Arvind Jangid, Pravesh Gupta, Sarthak Sabharwal.
  • Demo Link:
  • Labels: Environment, Carbon footprint

🔥 Description

We are creating an application that help users track their daily carbon footprint based on their daily routine, lifestyle, transportation, etc. The application asks users various questions regarding their lifestyle and evaluates carbon footprints based on various formulaes and databases.It categorises the data provided by the user in different categories like transportation, lifestyle, shopping, etc. It also prompts the user if their footprints is higher than recommended values provided by different organisations. We have also thought of implementing further additions to the application like comparing their carbon footprints with their friends, families, colleagues, etc.