Simple scripts to automate mundane work with Python. Image taken from the book Automate the Boring Stuff with Python: Practical Programming for Total Beginners.
1) Cryptanalyze Caeser Cipher
Using the frequency distribution of the letters in the english language, it is possible to decode secret messages. One such example ( a speech by Woodrow Wilson to the house of congress in 1917 ) is taken and decoded.
2) Organize files in a folder
Using a directory dictionary and user-defined functions, files are segregated and placed into appropriate folders
3) Automate web scraping with Beautiful Soup
Beautiful Soup package is needed to read HTML
With the 'Inspect' option in a web browser, it is possible to get information from webpages
Different python files are uploaded to get web content from a single webpage & multiple webpages
4) Automate web browsing with Selenium
Selenium webdriver is needed to establish an interface with the web browser
Python files are uploaded to enter information, click buttons and drag/drop objects in a website
5) Automating with APIs requests
There are endless reasons of making API calls
One can convert a barcode to product information
One can get weather updates
Python files showcasing the two mentioned cases are uploaded