
Parse Query Parameters into Struct.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

⚠️ Warning ⚠️

This package is still under development and not ready for production use.

qparser is a simple package that help parse query parameters into struct in Go. It is inspired by gorilla/schema with main focus on query parameters. Built on top of Go stdlib, it uses custom struct tag qp to define the query parameter key .


go get -u github.com/prawirdani/qparser


Here's an example of how to use qparser to parse query parameters into struct.

// Representing basic pagination, /path?page=1&limit=5
type Pagination struct {
    Page    int `qp:"page"`
    Limit   int `qp:"limit"`

func MyHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    var pagination Pagination

    err := qparser.ParseRequest(r, &pagination)
    if err != nil {
        // Handle Error
    // Do something with pagination

By default, it does not validate empty query values. To perform empty value validation or implement some business rules validation, you can create your own validator or use a validator package like validator.

Multiple Values Query & Nested Struct

To allow multiple values for a single query parameter, you can use a slice type.

// Representing filter for menu
type MenuFilter struct {
    Categories []string `qp:"categories"`
    Available  bool     `qp:"available"`

type Pagination struct {
    Page    int `qp:"page"`
    Limit   int `qp:"limit"`

type MenuQueryParams struct {
    Filter     MenuFilter
    Pagination Pagination

func GetMenus(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    var f MenuQueryParams
    if err := qparser.ParseRequest(r, &f); err != nil {
        // Handle Error
    // Do something with f.Filter and f.Pagination

The multiple values are separated by comma , in the query string. For example, /menus?categories=desserts,beverages. For the nested struct, simply just pass the qp tag definition in the nested struct field. So the final query string will look like /menus?categories=desserts,beverages&available=true&page=1&limit=5.

Parse from URL

You can also parse query parameters from URL string by calling the ParseURL function. Here's an example:

func main() {
    var pagination Pagination

    url := "http://example.com/path?page=1&limit=5"

    err := qparser.ParseURL(url, &pagination)
    if err != nil {
        // Handle Error

    // Do something with pagination

Supported field types

Currently, it only supports basic primitive types such as:

  • String
  • Boolean
  • Integers (int, int8, int16, int32 and int64)
  • Unsigned Integers (uint, uint8, uint16, uint32 and uint64)
  • Floats (float64 and float32)
  • Slice of above types
  • Nested Struct
  • A pointer to one of above

Future plans

  • Support for various types such as multidimensional slice and slice of Struct
  • Default value mechanism
  • Mapped Errors
  • Custom multivalues separator


Contributions are welcome! If you have any improvements, bug fixes, or new features you'd like to add.