A basic clone of CodePen built using React and Material-UI. This project aims to provide a simplified version of CodePen where users can write and preview HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code.
You can see a live demo of the project here.
- Live preview of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code.
- Responsive design.
- HTML: Used for structuring the web page.
- CSS: Used for styling the user interface and making it visually appealing.
- JavaScript: Used for implementing interactivity and functionality.
1.Clone the repository:
git clone https://prayag493773.github.io/CodePen-Clone
Open the project directory.
Install dependencies:
npm install
- Start the development server:
npm run start
The app will be available at http://localhost:3000.
- Open the app in your browser.
- Write your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code in the respective editors.
- See the live preview update as you type.
- CodePen-Clone is built using inspiration from Codepen.
- Take guidance from Code-For-interview Youtube clannel.