
10 React projects implementing all core and advanced concepts of the ReactJS library, including components, hooks, contexts, states, etc., using projects such as a Todo app, Password generator, Currency converter, etc.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

10 React Projects


Implemented 10 projects using React JS (using Vite) and Tailwind CSS while learning both that utilizes core concepts such as components, custom hooks, Single Page Applications, APIs, react-router-dom, Context API, localStorage of browser. More precise description of some projects with concepts is as below:

  1. 01_customReact: Built without any build tools such as Vite to understand the behavior of React and what it actually does while rendering a component.
  2. 02_counter: A basic counter project with +1 and -2 buttons to understand the useState hook.
  3. 03_tailWindCssProps: Utilizes props for components using a Card component to understand how props make components reusable.
  4. 04_changebgColor: Changes background color to red, green, or blue using the useState hook on a button click.
  5. 05_password_generator-v2: Generates a password of a chosen length and allows the selection of numbers or special characters with a checkbox. Uses useEffect, useRef, and useCallback hooks.
  6. 06_currency_converter: Fetches API data to get current exchange rates for selected currencies and converts the amount. Uses a custom hook useCurrencyInfo, and the useEffect hook.
  7. 07_reactRouterPortfolio: Demonstrates Single Page Applications (SPAs) by building a simple portfolio webpage where the Header and Footer are constant, and only the middle components change (e.g., Home, Contact, GitHub).
  8. 08_miniContext: Explores Context API, including createContext, useContext, and context provider. Stores login information ({username, password}) in UserContext, which is then accessed by the Profile component to display the username.
  9. 09_themeSwitcher: Another way of defining Context, with only one file, ThemeContext.jsx, for one context. A toggle button changes the theme of a component. The current theme is stored within the Context and updates accordingly when toggled.
  10. 10_todoLocalContext: Utilizes all concepts, including the browser's localStorage, to build a todo list app. Uses Context API and localStorage to get and set todo items. Allows adding, removing, editing, and marking todo tasks as completed.

Screenshots of a few projects

  • Password Generator:

Password Generator screenshot

  • Currency Converter:

Currency Converter Screenshot

  • Todo List Project:

Todo List Screenshot

How to use:

Well, I've used Vite as the build tool for these projects. Once you clone the repository:

1. Simply, change directory a particular project directory in the terminal:
> cd project_directory

2. npm run dev command
> npm run dev

3. Open browser and type
> http://localhost:5173
Or the port number reflecting in the terminal.

Note: This can be a good learning source for someone who wants to learn React with Practical implementation of each topic. Please let me know if you find any errors.