This Repo is for Team New Team Avengers envato team working on Photography Template.
Once you are assigned a task on clubhouse, create a branch on your local git and only push to that branch. If you push to any other branch, you will be heavily penalized.
Typical way to do so:
● run: git pull origin develop - You must pull from develop before or after checkout
● git checkout -b feat/user-login - You are in the feat/user-login branch now To push to github;
● git add .
● git commit -m "feat: implemented user login
● git push origin feat/user-login - note how it ends with a branch.
On github, you must make a PR to the develop branch, any PR to the master branch must be closed with immediate alacrity.
When making a PR, your PR is expected to have the following:
● What is the task completed ?
● What the PR actually does ?
● How can this feature be tested, put link to a hosted verson.
Your commit messages should follow a consistent pattern: Remember, chore, feature, bug
So i do not want to see stuff like I tried my best in your commit messages;
For a feature: git commit -m "feat: implemented user log-in
For a bug: git commit -m "bug: fixed inconsistency in log in screen"
For a chore: git commit -m "chore: updated read me to include API endpoints"