BraTS2023 Inference Code

This repository contains the final code submitted for the MICCAI2023 Brain Tumor Segmentation Challenge (BraTS2023) by the team CNMC_PMI. Our team achieved top rankings in the BraTS2023 challenge:

  • 1st place in the PED task.
  • 3rd place in the MEN task.
  • 4th place in the MET task.

BraTS2023 final rankings

Getting Started

Python 3.9 monai 1.3


  • Important: Use Python 3.9 only.

Environment Setup

Create and activate a virtual environment:

python3.9 -m venv .mlcubes
source .mlcubes/bin/activate


Install and log into MedPerf:


Access to Trained Models

All trained model weights are accessible to authorized individuals here: OneDrive-Weights

MLCubes, MedPerfs and Docker Integration

Contact Us

For more information about implementations and reusability, please contact