
Predix example Java BDD Cucumber Test Automation for Asset Management Service

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION


Predix example Java BDD Cucumber tests

 $ mvn clean test
returns tests log and final Cucumber report like below:
Feature: Support to create/update/delete assets and query by assets ID name
  As an Assets Modeler,
  I am able to create/update/delete assets and query by assets ID name

  Scenario: Create/update/delete assets                                                                                       # IntegrationTest/customer/Assets_Test.feature:5
    Given new assetId "rmd_user_test_asset_sv" with description "new asset - description" _Asset_                             # AssetTest.new_assetId_with_description__Asset_(String,String)
    Then the asset with name "rmd_user_test_asset_sv" and description "new asset - description" should be returned _Asset_    # AssetTest.the_asset_with_name_and_description_should_be_returned__Asset_(String,String)
    When update the assetId "rmd_user_test_asset_sv" with description "update asset - description" _Asset_                    # AssetTest.update_the_assetId_with_description__Asset_(String,String)
    Then the asset with name "rmd_user_test_asset_sv" and description "update asset - description" should be returned _Asset_ # AssetTest.the_asset_with_name_and_description_should_be_returned__Asset_(String,String)
    When a user delete the asset by asset id "rmd_user_test_asset_sv" _Asset_                                                 # AssetTest.a_user_delete_the_asset_by_asset_id__Asset_(String)
    Then the asset with asset id "rmd_user_test_asset_sv" not exist _Asset_                                                   # AssetTest.the_asset_with_asset_id_not_exist__Asset_(String)

Feature: Support to create/update/delete customer and query by customer ID number
  As an Customer Modeler,
  I am able to create/update/delete customer and query by customer ID number

  Scenario: Create/update/delete customer                                                                   # IntegrationTest/customer/Customer_Test.feature:5
    Given a customer with name "Customer01" and phone number "(123)456-7890" _Customer_                     # CustomerTest.a_customer_with_name_and_phone_number__Customer_(String,String)
    When a user queries the customer by customer id "Customer01" _Customer_                                 # CustomerTest.a_user_queries_the_customer_by_customer_id__Customer_(String)
    Then the customer with name "Customer01" and phone number "(123)456-7890" should be returned _Customer_ # CustomerTest.the_customer_with_name_and_phone_number_should_be_returned__Customer_(String,String)
    When a user updates the customer with name "Customer01" and phone number "(321)456-7891" _Customer_     # CustomerTest.a_user_update_the_customer_with_name_and_phone_number__Customer_(String,String)
    And a user queries the customer by customer id "Customer01" _Customer_                                  # CustomerTest.a_user_queries_the_customer_by_customer_id__Customer_(String)
    Then the customer with name "Customer01" and phone number "(321)456-7891" should be returned _Customer_ # CustomerTest.the_customer_with_name_and_phone_number_should_be_returned__Customer_(String,String)
    When a user deletes the customer "Customer01" _Customer_                                                # CustomerTest.a_user_deletes_the_customer__Customer_(String)
    And a user queries the customer by customer id "Customer01" _Customer_                                  # CustomerTest.a_user_queries_the_customer_by_customer_id__Customer_(String)
    Then the customer "Customer01" is not exist _Customer_                                                  # CustomerTest.the_customer_is_not_exist__Customer_(String)

2 Scenarios (2 passed)
15 Steps (15 passed)

  • run from Eclipse. Open RunCucucmberTest.java and run as Junit Test

  • project structure
├── LICENSE.md
├── README.md
├── images
│   └── BDD-Cucumber.png
├── pom.xml
└── src
    ├── main
    │   ├── java
    │   │   └── com
    │   │       └── ge
    │   │           └── ams
    │   │               └── dto
    │   │                   ├── Asset.java
    │   │                   ├── Customer.java
    │   │                   └── Message.java
    │   └── resources
    │       ├── log4j.properties
    │       └── schema
    │           └── json
    │               ├── asset.json
    │               ├── customer.json
    │               └── message.json
    └── test
        ├── java
        │   └── com
        │       └── ge
        │           └── predix
        │               └── labs
        │                   ├── common
        │                   │   ├── JsonMapper.java
        │                   │   ├── JsonParsing.java
        │                   │   ├── Kind.java
        │                   │   ├── RestClient.java
        │                   │   ├── RestConfig.java
        │                   │   ├── UrlEncoder.java
        │                   │   └── Urls.java
        │                   ├── factories
        │                   │   └── RequestContext.java
        │                   └── integrationtest
        │                       ├── AmsHttpClientErrorException.java
        │                       ├── AmsHttpServerErrorException.java
        │                       ├── AmsJsonErrorMessageException.java
        │                       ├── AmsResponseErrorHandler.java
        │                       ├── ExceptionUtil.java
        │                       ├── ResponseContainer.java
        │                       ├── RestConstants.java
        │                       ├── RestTestBase.java
        │                       ├── RestTestSuite.java
        │                       ├── cucumber
        │                       │   ├── RunCucumberTest.java
        │                       │   └── customer
        │                       │       ├── AssetTest.java
        │                       │       └── CustomerTest.java
        │                       └── exceptionhandling
        │                           └── ExceptionTestBase.java
        └── resources
            ├── Cucumber
            │   ├── IntegrationTest
            │   │   └── customer
            │   │       ├── Assets_Test.feature
            │   │       └── Customer_Test.feature
            │   └── testfiles
            │       └── CarAndLocomotives.json
            ├── bddTest.properties
            └── cucumber.xml

  • properties file

    bddTest.properties - file contains settings for Asset app example running in my space. You need to set up your own for development.

  • new DTO object

    Use your own json skema to create your own DTO object. And put jsonschema2pojo-maven-plugin references in pom.xml file.

  • cucumber tests

    Cucumber tests locates in predix-bdd-cucumber/src/test/resources/Cucumber/IntegrationTest/customer/


Example how to create Asset Management service and bind it to your dummy app for the BDD test

Bind service to app

          //push your dummy app predix_assetbdd into Cloud
$ cf push
$ cf create-service predix-uaa Beta uaa_bdd_test -c '{"adminClientSecret":"admin_secret"}'
$ cf bs predix_assetbdd uaa_bdd_test   
$ cf restage predix_assetbdd
$ cf e predix_assetbdd

bind assset service with uaa service using "issuerId" from app environment

$ cf cs predix-asset Beta asset_bdd_test -c '{"trustedIssuerIds": ["https://ae902176-c00b-49ef-8ef3-f42ad6f24e8d.predix-uaa.run.aws-usw02-pr.ice.predix.io/oauth/token"]}'

UAAC using "uri" from "predix-uaa" in app environment

$ uaac target https://ae902176-c00b-49ef-8ef3-f42ad6f24e8d.predix-uaa.run.aws-usw02-pr.ice.predix.io
$ uaac token client get admin

create new client using asset instanceId aka zone or Predix-Zone-Id (Header's name) from predix-asset\instanceId field value and put it as predix-asset.zones.<predix-asset\instanceId>.user

$ uaac client add uaa_client_bdd 
        --authorities openid,uaa.none,uaa.resource,predix-asset.zones.c026020a-95d0-4838-ba34-a7d26f083ee3.user 
        --scope uaa.none,openid,predix-asset.zones.c026020a-95d0-4838-ba34-a7d26f083ee3.user 
        --autoapprove openid 
        --authorized_grant_types client_credentials

$ uaac token client get uaa_client_bdd
$ uaac context