
Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Webdriver Support

Support for running automated functional tests with WebdriverJs + Mocha + Chai.


  • Binaries needed for testing (e.g. Mocha, selenium-server-standalone.jar)
  • Default config for webdriverjs+Mocha+Chai
  • A grunt task for configuration of runs using this package

peerDependencies for use in tests include:

Of note

  • UI / functional tests are Mocha + Chai + WebdriverJs. Mocha defines and runs tests, Chai is an assertion library, and WebdriverJs drives the simulated user interaction.
    • Webdriver tests applications / test fixtures remotely from the point of view of the user, not the code. It simulates the user, and uses a plain vanilla "application under test", the application or page that you can pull up with any http server and inspect. http-server is a npm dependency in package.json so you can run http-server at any time and access your ui test fixture(s) the exact same way webdriver does.
    • Upon the start of a test Webdriver-support does the following:
      • Starts webdriver server
      • Starts PhantomJsDriver or ChromeDriver or FirefoxDriver per the test configuration
      • Starts a nodeJs http server to run the "application under test" / test fixture
      • Let's Mocha do the testing, Mocha will tell Webdriver to do things in the "application under test"
    • Webdriver is asynchronous and almost every command returns a promise object. The tests need to deal with promises / asynchronous execution. There are two options to do this...see /examples for examples of each.
      • Use chai-as-promised to assert across promises (preferred), and/or,
      • Put assertions inside then statements (standard promise stuff) and Mocha's done functionality to tell Mocha when a promise is resolved.
    • Upon failure of a test, WebdriverJs takes a DOM dump and a screenshot and logs those + a stacktrace in a TAP-compatible (Test Anything Protocol) format for use with Mocha's TAP reporter.
  • Default to use phantomjs but chrome and firefox are available, too
  • Looking for unit testing (testing from the point of view of the code rather than from the point of view of the user? Unit tests using Mocha + Chai + Sinon + Karma are supported by the https://github.com/PredixDev/karma-support library



There are two types of testing in the presentation layer: Unit, Functional/UI (including "visual assertion", e.g. verification of actual rendering by comparing DOM or screenshots). For all three, there's a lot of configuration to accomplish before a developer can get up and running with tests.

This project abstracts the test boilerplate of functional/ui testing so the project itself can include just the tests. "Visual assertion" within tests supported by this package can be done using https://github.com/PredixDev/vissert . Unit testing is supported separately in https://github.com/PredixDev/karma-support

For all types of tests, we need:

  • Speed, can be divided into suites (smoke test vs. full regression test). Unit tests, in particular, must be very fast
  • Multi-browser, incl. headless (PhantomJS)
  • Clear failures with stack traces
  • Tooling for breakpoints in IDE (or other)
  • Enable independent run of failures
  • Enable CI trending of failures over time.
  • BDD vocabulary option
  • Tie into other tools, e.g. Istanbul (code coverage), Protractor (AngularJs-optimized wrapper around WebdriverJs).

Functional / UI testing

In functional/UI testing, the main additional requirements are:

  • Uses "plain" HTML Fixtures (can load up same HTML used for the test outside the test framework to debug) -- enables work to be spun up on any HTTP server for review by design, product management and other stakeholders remotely and with a minimum of tooling
  • Useful debug information upon failure, e.g. Screenshots / DOM dumps / stack traces -- enables debugging on remote environments such as CI which might have unique failures not seen locally.
  • Capability to decouple DOM targeting from tests so tests are less brittle (see http://martinfowler.com/bliki/PageObject.html)

Unit testing

Unit tests using Mocha + Chai + Sinon + Karma are supported by the https://github.com/PredixDev/karma-support library


  1. Include this package as a NPM dependency in your project's package.json: "webdriver-support": "git+https://github.com/PredixDev/webdriver-support.git#[version tag]"
  2. Run NPM install
  3. Scaffold out your project's tests in test/ui of your project using the sample files in /examples (note: A few Yeoman Generators will do this for you: generator-dx-component for GE Design System Components, and generator-card for Predix Reader Cards)
  4. Add the relevant Grunt tasks and config to your project's Gruntfile.js (see note above about Yeoman Generators)
  5. Run 'grunt webdriver'

Writing Tests

See the documentation of Mocha (http://mochajs.org/ with links to Sinon and Chai) and WebdriverJs (https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/WebDriverJs)

CI Integration

Mocha controls the report output of tests via its reporters. The TAP ("Test Anything Protocol") reporter is useful, and this package will format a DOM Dump, Stack Trace and Screenshot for TAP upon failure by default when the TAP reporter is used.

Future plans

  • Demonstrate (enforce?) usage of the PageObject pattern for WebdriverJs

Windows Notes

  • Even if Java is available via command line, it still needs to be in the system path/environmental variable
  • http-server install may fail, I think it needs to be installed both globally (npm install -g http-server) as well as inside the node_modules for webdriver-support (PLEASE VERIFY!)
  • Observed that on some machines, the PhantomJS exe is added to node_modules, but others not. Windows depends on the exe existing at "node_modules/webdriver-support/node_modules/phantomjs/lib/phantom/phantomjs.exe". If the exe is not there, please download from the official project and add it.