Download and install Homebrew from and set it up for your environment.
Run the following script to install widely used development dependencies:
worker-sdk$ ./
is a tool version manager. It will use the nearest .tool-versions
to your working directory to determine which versions of tools and language runtimes should be installed and used. asdf
will keep poetry and python versions in sync.
To finish asdf
setup, you will need to add some changes to your shell profile. Follow the instructions here:
Once done, restart your shell so changes can take effect.
Download and install Visual Studio Code from
To setup the TODO shortcut in VSCode:
- Click
>User Snippets
. - Select the global snippets file.
- Copy and paste this into the existing object:
"TODO": {
"prefix": "todo",
"body": [
"$LINE_COMMENT TODO(<your_email_address>, ${1:$CURRENT_MONTH}/${2:$CURRENT_DATE}/${3:$CURRENT_YEAR}): $0"
"description": "Insert TODO comment with expected date of completion"
- Replace
with your email address.
Open workspace from file...
on .vscode/monorepo.code-workspace