Spring Boot and Microservices Learning Content

The Spring-Boot-in-Detailed-Way repository is a comprehensive guide and resource for learning and mastering Spring Boot, a popular Java framework for building enterprise-level applications. This repository provides an in-depth overview of various aspects of Spring Boot, starting from the basics and gradually progressing to more advanced topics.

The repository is organized into several sections, each covering a specific aspect of Spring Boot. Here is an overview of the sections and what they cover:

  1. Introduction to Spring Boot: This section provides a basic introduction to Spring Boot, explaining its features, advantages, and differences from the traditional Spring Framework. It also includes a guide on getting started with Spring Boot.

  2. Spring Boot Fundamentals: In this section, you will learn about the fundamental concepts of Spring Boot, including project structure, auto-configuration, starters, configuration options, and working with application properties and YAML configuration files. It also covers the concept of profiles in Spring Boot.

  3. Building RESTful APIs with Spring Boot: This section focuses on building RESTful APIs using Spring Boot. It covers topics such as creating a basic RESTful API, handling requests and responses, mapping requests to specific endpoints, working with request parameters and path variables, handling different payload formats like JSON and XML, and implementing error handling and exception handling. It also includes a guide on testing RESTful APIs.

  4. Database Access with Spring Boot: Here, you will learn about integrating databases with Spring Boot applications using Spring Data JPA. This section covers configuring data sources, creating entities and repositories, writing query methods and custom queries, managing transactions, and implementing caching strategies. It also includes a guide on integration testing with in-memory databases.

  5. Security in Spring Boot Applications: This section explores the topic of securing Spring Boot applications. It covers an overview of Spring Security, securing RESTful APIs, implementing authentication and authorization, handling password hashing and encryption, managing role-based access control, and working with JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication. It also provides guidance on implementing security features in Spring Boot applications.

  6. Building Web Applications with Spring Boot: In this section, you will learn about building web applications using Spring Boot and Spring MVC. It covers topics such as handling form submissions, working with Thymeleaf templates and views, managing static resources, internationalization and localization, implementing file uploads and downloads, and enabling WebSocket communication.

  7. Testing and Deployment: This section focuses on testing Spring Boot applications and deploying them. It covers unit testing with JUnit and Mockito, integration testing with Spring Boot, continuous integration and deployment, Dockerizing Spring Boot applications, and deploying to various cloud platforms like Heroku, AWS, and GCP.

  8. Advanced Topics: The final section of the repository covers advanced topics in Spring Boot. It includes an overview of Spring Boot Actuator for monitoring and managing applications, performance optimization techniques, caching strategies, asynchronous programming with Spring Boot, reactive programming with Spring WebFlux, and building microservices using Spring Boot.

The repository encourages contributions from the community to enhance its content. If you have suggestions, bug fixes, or additional topics to add, you can open an issue or submit a pull request.

Overall, the Spring-Boot-in-Detailed-Way repository serves as a valuable resource for individuals looking to learn Spring Boot in a detailed and comprehensive manner. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this repository provides the necessary guidance to become proficient in building Spring Boot applications.


  • DI and IOC: Understanding Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control.
  • Container Types: Exploring different types of containers in Spring.
  • Annotation Configuration: Configuring Spring components using annotations.
  • @ComponentScan: Scanning and registering components in Spring.
  • @Component: Creating custom components in Spring.
  • @Value: Injecting values from properties files or environment variables.
  • Java Configuration: Configuring Spring using Java classes.
  • @Configuration: Creating configuration classes in Spring.
  • @Bean: Defining beans in Spring configuration.
  • @PropertySource: Loading properties from a specific source.
  • Environment: Accessing and managing environment-specific properties.
  • Lifecycle methods: Implementing lifecycle callbacks in Spring beans.
  • Runners: Creating custom runners in Spring Boot applications.
  • @ConfigurationProperties: Binding external properties to Java objects.
  • Properties file: Managing application properties using a properties file.
  • YAML File: Using YAML format for configuration in Spring Boot.
  • Profiles: Configuring profiles for different environments.
  • Lombok API: Simplifying Java code with Lombok annotations.


  • JDBC vs ORM: Understanding the differences between JDBC and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM).
  • Hibernate with JPA: Integrating Hibernate with Java Persistence API (JPA).
  • Hibernate Example: Implementing Hibernate in a sample application.
  • Data JPA View: Creating views using Spring Data JPA.
  • Repository Interface: Defining repositories for database operations.
  • CrudRepository: Performing CRUD operations using Spring Data's CrudRepository.
  • Paging and Sorting: Implementing pagination and sorting in Spring Data.
  • JPA Repository and Annotations: Using JPA annotations to define repositories.
  • @Entity, @Id: Mapping entities and defining primary keys.
  • @Table, @Column: Specifying table and column mappings.
  • Collections Mapping: Mapping collections in database entities.
  • Associations Mapping: Mapping associations between entities.
  • Cascading: Configuring cascading operations in associations.
  • FetchType: Managing fetching strategies for associations.
  • findBy: Querying data using method names.
  • @Query: Writing custom queries using JPQL or SQL.
  • @Modifying: Modifying data using custom queries.
  • @Transactional: Managing transactional operations in Spring.
  • HQL Joins: Performing joins in Hibernate Query Language (HQL).
  • Generators: Generating primary key values in entities.


  • Spring MVC Intro: Introduction to the Spring MVC framework.
  • First Application: Creating a basic Spring MVC application.
  • Workflow and Common errors: Understanding the workflow and handling common errors in Spring MVC.
  • Controller Rules: Implementing controller logic and request mapping.
  • Model memory: Managing data in the model during request processing.
  • HTML Form: Handling HTML form submissions in Spring MVC.
  • Thymeleaf tags: Working with Thymeleaf template engine and its tags.
  • Thymeleaf Form: Creating forms using Thymeleaf form tags.
  • DevTools: Enhancing development productivity with Spring DevTools.
  • @RequestParam: Handling request parameters in Spring MVC.
  • Static folder (images/css/js): Serving static resources in Spring MVC.
  • CRUD Application: Building a CRUD application using Spring MVC.
  • Pagination: Implementing pagination in Spring MVC applications.
  • Error Pages: Customizing error pages in Spring MVC.


  • HTTP Protocol: Understanding the basics of the HTTP protocol.
  • JSON: Working with JSON data format.
  • JACKSON API: Serializing and deserializing JSON using the Jackson API.
  • @RestController: Creating RESTful APIs using Spring's @RestController.
  • @RequestBody: Handling request body in RESTful APIs.
  • @ResponseBody: Returning response body in RESTful APIs.
  • ResponseEntity<T>: Building custom responses with ResponseEntity.
  • HttpStatus: Managing HTTP status codes in RESTful APIs.
  • @GetMapping: Handling GET requests in RESTful APIs.
  • @PostMapping: Handling POST requests in RESTful APIs.
  • @PutMapping: Handling PUT requests in RESTful APIs.
  • @DeleteMapping: Handling DELETE requests in RESTful APIs.
  • @PatchMapping: Handling PATCH requests in RESTful APIs.
  • Header Params: Accessing header parameters in RESTful APIs.
  • Database Integration: Integrating databases with RESTful APIs.
  • Validator API: Validating request data using Spring's Validator API.
  • POSTMAN: Testing and documenting RESTful APIs with Postman.
  • Swagger: Generating API documentation using Swagger.
  • Error and Exception handling: Handling errors and exceptions in RESTful APIs.
  • JUnit with RestController: Writing unit tests for RestControllers.
  • Logging with RestController: Logging request and response data in RestControllers.


  • Monolithic Application: Understanding monolithic application architecture.
  • SOA Design: Overview of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) design principles.
  • Microservices Architecture: Exploring the Microservices architectural style.
  • Eureka Server: Implementing service registration and discovery using Eureka Server.
  • DiscoveryClient: Discovering services using the DiscoveryClient interface.
  • LoadBalancerClient: Implementing client-side load balancing with LoadBalancerClient.
  • Open Feign: Simplifying RESTful service consumption with Open Feign.
  • ConfigServer: Centralized configuration management with Config Server.
  • SOLID Principles: Understanding the SOLID principles in Microservices.
  • External Config: Managing externalized configuration in Microservices.
  • Native Config: Using native configuration files in Spring Cloud Config.
  • @RefreshScope: Refreshing beans dynamically with @RefreshScope.
  • Actuator + Admin Server and Client: Monitoring and managing Microservices with Actuator and Admin Server.
  • API Gateway: Implementing API Gateway pattern for Microservices.
  • Circuit Breaker (Resilience4j): Implementing fault tolerance with Circuit Breaker pattern using Resilience4j.
  • SAGA Pattern: Implementing the SAGA pattern for distributed transactions in Microservices.


  • JAAS: Understanding the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS).
  • InMemory Authentication: Implementing in-memory authentication in Spring Security.
  • JDBC Authentication: Authenticating users using JDBC-based authentication in Spring Security.
  • ORM Authentication: Authenticating users using ORM-based authentication in Spring Security.
  • Session Management: Managing user sessions in Spring Security.
  • Custom Login Form: Creating a custom login form in Spring Security.
  • Token-based Security: Implementing token-based security in Spring Security.
  • JWT and JJWT: Working with JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and JJWT library.
  • OAuth 2.x: Implementing OAuth 2.0 authentication and authorization.


  • Rest + Angular + Bootstrap: Integrating a RESTful API with Angular and Bootstrap.
  • Rest + ReactJS + Bootstrap: Integrating a RESTful API with ReactJS and Bootstrap.
  • Rest + Apache Kafka: Integrating a RESTful API with Apache Kafka for messaging.
  • Rest + Redis Cache: Caching data in a RESTful API using Redis.
  • Rest + HikariCP: Using HikariCP for database connection pooling in a RESTful API.


  • Apache Tomcat: Using Apache Tomcat as an embedded server.
  • Jetty: Using Jetty as an embedded server.
  • Undertow: Using Undertow as an embedded server.
  • H2: Working with the H2 in-memory database in Spring Boot applications.

Tools and Other

  • Maven: Managing dependencies and building projects with Maven.
  • Log4J/SLF4J: Logging frameworks in Java.
  • Gradle: Managing dependencies and building projects with Gradle.
  • JUnit with Mock: Writing unit tests with JUnit and mock objects.
  • Docker: Containerizing applications with Docker.
  • Kubernetes: Orchestrating containerized applications with Kubernetes.
  • ELK Config: Configuring Elastic Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) for log management.
  • GitHub: Using Git and GitHub for version control and collaboration.
  • Zipkin and Sleuth: Distributed tracing with Zipkin and Sleuth for Microservices.

Extra Concepts

  • Email: Sending emails from Spring Boot applications.
  • Scheduling: Scheduling tasks in Spring Boot applications.
  • Redis Cache: Implementing caching using Redis in Spring Boot applications.
  • Eclipse Debugging: Debugging Spring Boot applications in Eclipse.
  • AGILE + JIRA: Agile software development methodology and project management with JIRA.
  • Apache Camel: Integration framework for connecting various systems and applications.

Feel free to explore each topic folder for detailed explanations, code examples, and hands-on exercises. Happy learning!