
Android app displaying quotes and memes from reddit

Primary LanguageJava


This is a basic app capable of displaying Random memes picked up from Reddit & also quotes.

Implementations :

This app has a very basic structure , using 3 activities : MenuActivity(Launcher) , RandomMemeActivity , RandomQuoteActivity.

The RandomMemeActivity displays random memes fetched from Reddit.I am fetching the JSON data of the Memes using an API. Making use of Volley library to do the networking and then using the Picasso library to display the image on the ImageView.

The RandomQuoteActivity is quite simple , again fetches the quote text in the form of JSON data using the Volley library and display it on the TextView.

Both of the above activities have the 'Next' and 'Share' options .

I gave it a very basic grey-black UI :P

Snapshots :