
A server to perform CRUD operations on user data hosted on a cloud-based NoSQL database(MongoDB).

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node.js user data management server using MongoDB

A Node.js server to work perform CRUD operations on user's data stored on a cloud database ( MongoDB ).


I took a simple use case here, I am handling user's social media handles ( You can customise it to any other data according to your requirement ). This server can Create, Update, Delete, and Read from this database.

( I am yet to implement a email-confirmation system to perform data modification from authenticated users only, which I plan to do using the nodemailer module. )

(Each request has to have an identifier for the user and other required details formatted in JSON format while making the request)

Serving endpoints and their descriptions are :

  • Creating a new user : /add
  • Updating the existing users detail : /update
  • Deleting the user's detail : /remove
  • To fetch the information of a particular user : /info


Firstly you will have to setup your MongoDB, and then enter your MongoDB connection string in the app.js file, line 11 :

const connectionString = <ENTER_YOUR_CONNECTION_STRING_HERE>

[Also make sure you have whitelisted your device's IP address using the MongoDB console]

And then after going to the directory, run the following command to get the server running:

$ node app.js

Next make use of curl command or any tools ( Insomnia , etc.) to make your requests to the server.

Each request should always have the indentifier( 'roll' in my case ), and along with that other detials as per the requirements : Example request, Using the /add endpoint:


This would add an user with the the following details