PremDepp's Stars
Code Repository for Python for ArcGIS Pro, Published by Packt
A website displaying hundreds of charts made with Python
Books for Data Science
Python code for common Machine Learning Algorithms
Analysing Bangalore transit data
A small set of Python functions to draw pretty maps from OpenStreetMap data. Based on osmnx, matplotlib and shapely libraries.
A python implementation and a QGIS plugin for Land Use Mix indices and other related calculations.
Tools for working with GTFS public transit data in ArcGIS
A visualization of Warsaw public transport
A real-time 3D digital map of Tokyo's public transport system
Interactive tools for GTFS data visualization and analysis
A Python package for interactive geospatial analysis and visualization with Google Earth Engine.
Uber Clone Android App 👨💻 I'll show you how you can do this in the simplest way and terms possible. By the end of this series you'll have learned how the big companies do it and will be able to do the same, you not only will be able to do this app, but you'll be able to put what you learn into your very own projects! In this series, we use Android Native with java to build the project. We use firebase for all our microservice needs like the auth system, database, storage, amongst others. firebase, android studio, and java. In this series, we'll use all of them and you'll learn them by doing an iconic app. Welcome to this Simcoder project and make a Uber Clone!
A web interface to create custom vector-based visualizations on top of RAWGraphs core
building footprints in South America
Installation support for Deep Learning Frameworks for the ArcGIS System
AI constraint solver in Java to optimize the vehicle routing problem, employee rostering, task assignment, maintenance scheduling, conference scheduling and other planning problems.
Simulation framework to model and control the tasks of vehicle fleets (routing, user-assignment, charging, ...)
Visualizing MBTA Data
The program provides the products of any cargo company to its customers from the point of departure (dynamically entered by the user). it finds 5 additional shortcuts for the shortest route. The Floyd-Warshall algorithm is used in the solution of the problem.
A JS rewrite of the original bus route finder.
Solver for Capacitance Vehicle Routing Problem - School bus routing problem with bus stop selection
An Android application to check estimated time of arrival of bus routes in Hong Kong
BusRouter SG: Singapore Bus Routes Explorer
这是我自己做的一个类似滴滴打车的Android出行项目,主要针对滴滴等出行平台一直饱受质疑的“人车不符”问题,以及当前越发火热的或计划和出海战略,给出行项目增加了下面几个功能: 1. RFID识别验证功能:在司机证件或者车内识别硬件嵌入RFID识别芯片,乘客使用手机读取到芯片信息,并且通过网络发送到出行平台数据库进行验证(我用JNI加了一个C语言的MD5加密算法对识别到的信息进行了加密)。如果不是合规的“人”或“车”,则不能完成订单并向平台或监管单位汇报当前位置。(为了方便读者测试,可以使用手机读取任何一个加密或非加密RFID芯片,比如银行卡、公交卡等,我在代码中的验证前阶段把芯片信息都换成我自己的司机信息,确保读者测试时可以收到服务器的回复) 2. 海外版功能:点击切换当前语言。 3. 司机证件号码识别功能:读取司机证件上的证件号码,也可以用来与出行平台数据库的接单司机信息进行。I complete this whole project on my own . Including Android application programming,web server ( Apache + PHP + MySQL), and UI. 1.Map route planing。You can use mobile phone choose pick up & destination address,application provide address name hint and draw optimized route for user , then call car for you. 2.RFID authentication function:User can use application to scan driver license or other RFID hardware, then use NDK MD5 algorithm encrypt RFID number, and send it to Web Server Database, check with driver information and authenticate ID number , if ID number coherent with driver info , send back driver information to User and continue call car order . record user location and alert if ID not coherent. 3.Driver License Number Recognition : Application can recognize driver license digit number ,and also can send to web server for authentication & feed back result to user.
Algorithm's to minimize cumulative wait time for passengers when routing from node A to node B. Implements Dijkstra's algorithm with linked lists to form the graph used for finding the shortest path in a weighted graph. Uses a semi-clever heuristic algorithm for choosing which rider to serve first given the current riders waiting to be picked up, and their requested destination travel time that would be required.
Label setting algorithm and nearest neighbor search are used to implement the vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pickup and drop(VRPSPD)
GraphHopper Maps - Open Source Route Planner UI