
bChef is an open source with over 200 recipes of meals across the world.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to bChef

An open, crowd-sourced database of recipes from around the world. We have over 200 recipes available from different continents.

🎥 Project Overview

You can check out the live project here and install it on your machine.

The screenshot could help you on installing the app

Why should I install it?

  • You can easily pin it to your taskbar or add it to your home screen.
  • Have access to the offline features.

All you need to do is start by entering the kitchen, then enter a meal in the search bar, and the recipe will be provided. Below the image, description and link to youtube video.

📣 Want to contribute?

We would love to have you! bChef is open source and we are keen on hearing what you have for us. Do check out the code of conduct for rules and guidelines, and our CONTRIBUTING.md file for any steps you might need.

💡 Getting Started

Found a bug? Accessessibility issue?, New feature?, do you want to add to our offline database Or do you want to add a recipe to our database? Then go right ahead and create an issue.

Tech Stack

This project uses:


Before installation, you need to have the following:

  • Node installed
  • Basic knowledge of Git
  • Basic knowledge of Github


  1. Fork this repository.
  2. In your terminal, clone your fork repository using git clone <link to your fork>.
  3. Run cd bChef to navigate to project directory.
  4. Run npm install to add node_modules folder.
  5. To start the server on localhost, run npm start.
  6. Make your changes, push your code, and open a pull request.

Adding a recipe

Before adding a recipe, please make sure that the new recipe does not already exist. You can easily check this by entering the recipe on the live site to see if its gives a result or not. Or checking the database to see if its already exist.

We use JSON to store the recipes.

  1. In the /public folder, open the /server folder and subsequently, the db.json file you find in it. You can see that each meal is a JSON object of its own with a name, cover, description, youtube, recipe and instruction.

  2. To add a new recipe, you must append a new object to this file.

    • The meal which is the key must be in lowercase. For example, noodles not Noodles or NOODLES
    • The name must be in sentence case. For example, Gbegiri soup
    • Cover must be a link to the image of the meal.
    • Description should contain a short note about the meal. It must not be too lengthy.
    • Youtube must contain verified link to a youtube video on how to prepare the meal.
    • Recipe must be an array of the ingredients needed for preparing the meal.
    • Instruction must be an array of steps to follow when preparing the meal.
  3. The Screenshot below could help


🔑 License

License: MIT

If you like the project, Don't forget to leave a star ⭐ . All support is highly appreciated 💯