Brainfuck Graphics API


  • Draw or Fill Rectangles, Elipses, or Triangles in any colour.
  • Portable
  • Lightning Fast Development of Graphical Brainfuck applications when compared to other API’s

Crash Course

​ The program interprets certain API calls in the first 16 bytes of memory within the BrainfuckVM. The first byte is a flag to be set when the API call should be made. The Second byte is a operation code to specify which function call should be made. The remaining 14 bytes are interpreted as args for the specified function.

Function Name Operation Code Arguments Description
SET_COLOR 0x10 r, g, b
where each is a byte
Sets the color to draw primitives with
DRAW_RECT 0x20 x1, y1, x2, y2
where each is a two-byte word
Draws Rectangle with the given upper-left and bottom-right coordinates
FILL_RECT 0x21 x1, y1, x2, y2
where each is a two-byte word
Fills Rectangle with the given upper-left and bottom-right coordinates
DRAW_ELLIPSE 0x22 x1, y1, x2, y2
where each is a two-byte word
Draws an Ellipse bounded by a rectangle with the given upper-left and bottom-right coordinates
FILL_ELLIPSE 0x23 x1, y1, x2, y2
where each is a two-byte word
Fills an Ellipse bounded by a rectangle with the given upper-left and bottom-right coordinates
DRAW_TRIANGLE 0x24 x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3
where each is a two-byte word
Draws a Triangle with the given coordinates
FILL_TRIANGLE 0x25 x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3
where each is a two-byte word
Fills a Triangle with the given coordinates

Here’s some code that draws a Red Rectangle


Here’s some pink Triangles
