
Load .env files into run-time environment and referenceable object. Optional AWS parameter store support.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Python 3.8 | 3.9 | 3.10 | 3.11 | 3.12 Code style: black pre-commit

pre-commit.ci status Python Tests


A library that offers a simple method of loading and accessing environmental variables, .env file values, and other sources of secrets. The class stores values to state when load methods are called.

Loaded values are also injected into the local environ. This is to assist with adjacent libraries that reference os.environ values by default. Required values can be kept in a .env file instead of managing a script to load them into the environment.

Note: The default behavior of secretbox is to hide exceptions during loading. This places the detection of missing values on the caller. This behavior can be altered by passing capture_exceptions=False to any loader. Exceptions will be raised from their source as LoaderException.


  • Python >=3.8

Optional Dependencies

  • boto3
  • boto3-stubs[secretsmanager]
  • boto3-stubs[ssm]


$ pip install secretbox

Optional AWS support

$ pip install secretbox[aws]

The optional aws package includes boto3. If you are using secretbox on AWS objects that already have boto3 install, such as lambda, this remains an optional package for your deploy.


Example use with auto_load=True

This loads the system environ and the .env from the current working directory into the class state for quick reference. Loaded secrets can be accessed from the .get() method or from other methods such as os.getenviron().

from secretbox import SecretBox

secrets = SecretBox(auto_load=True)

def main() -> int:
    """Main function"""
    my_sevice_password = secrets.get("SERVICE_PW")
    # More code
    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    raise SystemExit(main())

Example use with use_loaders()

Loaders collect key:value pair secrets from various sources. When you need more than one source loaded, in a particular order, with a single collection of all loaded values then .use_loaders() is the solution. Each loader is executed in turn and the results compiled with the SecretBox object.

This loads the system environment variables, an AWS secret store, and then a specific .env file if it exists. Secrets are loaded in the order of loaders, replacing any matching keys from the prior loader.

from secretbox import SecretBox

secrets = SecretBox()

def main() -> int:
    """Main function"""
        secrets.AWSSecretLoader("mySecrets", "us-east-1"),

    my_sevice_password = secrets.get("SERVICE_PW")
    # More code
    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    raise SystemExit(main())

Example use with stand-alone loader

Loaders can be used as needed. For this example we only need to load an AWS Parameter store.

from secretbox import AWSParameterStoreLoader

secrets = AWSParameterStoreLoader("mystore/params/", "us-west-2")

def main() -> int:
    """Main function"""
    my_sevice_password = secrets.get("SERVICE_PW")
    # More code
    return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    raise SystemExit(main())

SecretBox arguments:

SecretBox(*, auto_load: bool = False, load_debug: bool = False)


  • Loads environment variables and then the .env file from current working directory if found.


  • When true, internal logger level is set to DEBUG. Secret values are truncated, however it is not recommended to leave this on for production deployments.

    note: Does not enable debug output for aws loaders.

SecretBox API:


  • Property: A copy of the dict[str, str] key:value pairs loaded

.use_loaders(*loaders: Loader) -> None

  • Loaded results are injected into environ and stored in state.

NOTE: All .get methods pull from the instance state of the class and do not reflect changes to the enviornment post-load.

.get(key: str, default: str | None = None) -> str

  • Returns the string value of the loaded value by key name. If the key does not exists then KeyError will be raised unless a default is given, then that is returned.

.set(key: str, value: str) -> None

  • Adds the key:value pair to both the secretbox instance and the environment variables


All loaders follow the same abstract base class. Calling .run() will load secrets from the loader's source. Each loader will have optional parameters definable on instantiation.


Load system environ values


Load local .env file.

  • Args:
    • filename: [str] Optional filename (with path) to load, default is .env


Load secrets from an AWS secret manager.

  • Args:

    • aws_sstore: [str] Name of the secret store (not the arn)
      • Can be provided through environ AWS_SSTORE_NAME
    • aws_region: [str] Regional location of secret store
      • Can be provided through environ AWS_REGION_NAME or AWS_REGION
  • Keyword Args:

    • hide_boto_debug: [bool, default = True]
      • Hides debug logging output from botocore clients to prevent exposing plain-text secrets
    • capture_exceptions: [bool, default = True]
      • All internal exceptions are captured, logged, and ignored.
  • Raises:

    • LoaderException if capture_exceptions is False. All exceptions are raised from their source.


Load secrets from AWS parameter store.

  • Args:

    • aws_sstore: [str] Name of parameter or path of parameters if endings with /
      • Can be provided through environ AWS_SSTORE_NAME
    • aws_region: [str] Regional Location of parameter(s)
      • Can be provided through environ AWS_REGION_NAME or AWS_REGION
  • Keyword Args:

    • hide_boto_debug: [bool, default = True]
      • Hides debug logging output from botocore clients to prevent exposing plain-text secrets
    • capture_exceptions: [bool, default = True]
      • All internal exceptions are captured, logged, and ignored.
  • Raises:

    • LoaderException if capture_exceptions is False. All exceptions are raised from their source.

A note about logging output

This library restricts any DEBUG logging output during the use of a boto3 client or the methods of that client. This is to prevent the logging of your secrets as well as the bearer tokens used within AWS. You can disable this at the aws loader by adjusting hide_boto_debug to be False. You will need to define your own instance of the AWSParameterStore or AWSSecretLoader and adjust their flag before calling load_values().

.env file format

Current format for the .env file supports strings only and is parsed in the following order:

  • Each seperate line is considered a new possible key/value set
  • Each set is delimted by the first = found
  • Leading export keyword is removed from key, case agnostic
  • Leading and trailing whitespace are removed
  • Matched leading/trailing single quotes or double quotes will be stripped from values (not keys).

I'm open to suggestions on standards to follow here. This is compiled from "crowd standard" and what is useful at the time.

This .env example:

# Comments are ignored


Invalid lines without the equal sign delimiter will also be ignored

Will be parsed as:

{"KEY": "value"}

This .env example:

export PASSWORD = correct horse battery staple

MESSAGE = '    Totally not an "admin" account logging in'

Will be parsed as:

    "PASSWORD": "correct horse battery staple",
    "USER_NAME": "not_admin",
    "MESSAGE": '    Totally not an "admin" account logging in',

Local developer installation

The following steps outline how to install this repo for local development. See the CONTRIBUTING.md file in the repo root for information on contributing to the repo.


Clone repo

git clone https://github.com/Preocts/secretbox

cd secretbox

Virtual Environment

Use a (venv), or equivalent, when working with python projects. Leveraging a venv will ensure the installed dependency files will not impact other python projects or any system dependencies.

Windows users: Depending on your python install you will use py in place of python to create the venv.

Linux/Mac users: Replace python, if needed, with the appropriate call to the desired version while creating the venv. (e.g. python3 or python3.8)

All users: Once inside an active venv all systems should allow the use of python for command line instructions. This will ensure you are using the venv's python and not the system level python.

Create the venv

python -m venv venv

Activate the venv:

# Linux/Mac
. venv/bin/activate

# Windows

The command prompt should now have a (venv) prefix on it. python will now call the version of the interpreter used to create the venv

To deactivate (exit) the venv:


Developer Installation Steps

Install editable library and development requirements

$ python -m pip install --editable .[dev,test]

Install pre-commit (see below for details)

$ pre-commit install

Pre-commit and nox tools

Run pre-commit on all files

pre-commit run --all-files

Run tests with coverage (quick)

nox -e coverage

Run tests (slow)


Build dist

nox -e build

A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.

This repo is setup with a .pre-commit-config.yaml with the expectation that any code submitted for review already passes all selected pre-commit checks.

Error: File "setup.py" not found

Update pip to at least version 22.3.1