Welcome to Presearch Docs, where you can learn everything about the Presearch ecosystem.

🏠 Welcome to Presearch 👋

If you can't find what you need here, visit our friendly and creative community on Discord or on Telegram, where you'll find lots of people happy to help you.

We're excited that you've joined the Presearch fam! 😀💃🏽💪🏽

What is Presearch?

Presearch is a decentralized search engine powered by the community. Search privately, receive better results and get rewarded with the Presearch decentralized search engine, powered by blockchain technology.

How can I get started?

Head to our website & start searching! If you're interested in learning more advanced things like Keyword Staking, Search Staking & running a node in the network, then you've come to the right place. Click either option below to get started:

Let's set up a node in the network:

{% content-ref url="nodes/overview/" %} overview {% endcontent-ref %}

Get you started with keyword staking

{% content-ref url="keyword-staking/" %} {% endcontent-ref %}

Get you started with Search Staking

{% content-ref url="search-staking-and-usage-rewards/search-staking-faq/" %} search-staking-faq {% endcontent-ref %}