routes: /check
Day 12-13 (2 days): Spell Checker Create an endpoint "/check" that receives the following data: { “Content”: “blah blah blah hdkcig3yru2y uigqeiuyrqeu yhwquiybkg” } And runs a spell check on each word and responds Json array of the wrongly spelt words in an objects in the form [{ "index of word":"numerical index of the word", "wrong spelling":"spelling in the sentence", "possible correction":["correction 1","correction 2"] }] note, A maximum of 3 possible corrections to the spelling should be provided for each word. Only words with a maximum of two letter character difference are valid corrections. If a word with only two or less letter difference count is found, return the string "word unknown" as the value of the "possible correction" property of that word. use the list of words found in this dictionary as your english Language spelling reference
routes: /check