Software Engineer Rockstar. Javascript/Nodejs, Java/Springboot. I just want to build cool software and retire on a beach watching the sunset everyday.
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This is the Stage G of the Hamoye Data Science Internship
The api "" when visited, returns an array of 10 users in json form(I advise you visit the adress in your browser to see and study the file structure). Task: 1. Create a remote MySQL database with a table called Users. 2. Write and deploy a script that connects to the database. When the api endpoint "/populate" is accessed, a function that would create columns for id, name, username, and email then populate the columns with the respective data for each user gotten from the users api provided. 3. Create an api end point such that when the "/delete" route is accessed, the last row in the database is deleted. Note 1. Apart from ID, all other Columns are strings. Note 2. The datafrom the users api is to be fetched each time the scripts api endpoint is accessed. Note 3. When you submit, ensure that the database is empty. It is when the api endpoint is accessed that your script would populate the database In the read me file, along with the api endpoint for your script, the following information about your database should be provided. Database Host Database Username Database Password Database Port Hint, Heroku has a free MySQL hosting service called clearDB. You may learn to use that.
The api "" when visited, returns an array of 10 users in json form(I advise you visit the adress in your browser to see and study the file structure). Task: 1. Create a remote MySQL database with a table called Users. 2. Write and deploy a script that connects to the database. When the api endpoint "/populate" is accessed, a function that would create columns for id, name, username, and email then populate the columns with the respective data for each user gotten from the users api provided. 3. Create an api end point such that when the "/delete" route is accessed, the last row in the database is deleted. Note 1. Apart from ID, all other Columns are strings. Note 2. The datafrom the users api is to be fetched each time the scripts api endpoint is accessed. Note 3. When you submit, ensure that the database is empty. It is when the api endpoint is accessed that your script would populate the database In the read me file, along with the api endpoint for your script, the following information about your database should be provided. Database Host Database Username Database Password Database Port Hint, Heroku has a free MySQL hosting service called clearDB. You may learn to use that.
Preshy-Jones's Repositories
This is an open source project for the stage E of the Hamoye Data Science Internship program, cohort 2020, with real life applications in the health, engineering, demography, education and technology.
A Zindi Data science competition to qualify for AI Bootcamp
Every minute, the world loses an area of forest the size of 48 football fields. And deforestation in the Amazon Basin accounts for the largest share, contributing to reduced biodiversity, habitat loss, climate change, and other devastating effects. But better data about the location of deforestation and human encroachment on forests can help governments and local stakeholders respond more quickly and effectively. Planet, designer and builder of the world’s largest constellation of Earth-imaging satellites, will soon be collecting daily imagery of the entire land surface of the earth at 3-5 meter resolution. While considerable research has been devoted to tracking changes in forests, it typically depends on coarse-resolution imagery from Landsat (30 meter pixels) or MODIS (250 meter pixels). This limits its effectiveness in areas where small-scale deforestation or forest degradation dominate. Furthermore, these existing methods generally cannot differentiate between human causes of forest loss and natural causes. Higher resolution imagery has already been shown to be exceptionally good at this, but robust methods have not yet been developed for Planet imagery. In this competition, Planet and its Brazilian partner SCCON are challenging Kagglers to label satellite image chips with atmospheric conditions and various classes of land cover/land use. Resulting algorithms will help the global community better understand where, how, and why deforestation happens all over the world - and ultimately how to respond.
Create a backend for the application below. Follow the instructions in the readme