Link to a deployed project: DEMO LINK

Typescript, React, ReduxToolkit, Axios, Material-UI

Pokedex Using the open pokemon API ( build a pokedex with the following functionality:

  1. List pokemons in a table view (or cards) with their name, avatar, type (should visually look as a colored tag) and the main pokemon stats (whichever additional pokemon info you want to show)
  2. The list must have a pagination with an ability to select how many items to show per page (10 / 20 / 50)
  3. Filter the pokemons by name with a search box
  4. Filter the pokemons by type using tags (multiple selected tags have to show pokemons with any of the types selected)
  5. Show your skills, In addition to the requirements above you can implement anything you want using the API if you want to demonstrate more of your skills