
A simple plugin to add summit functionality.

This plugin provides a “Summit Speakers” custom post type and adds a bunch of custom fields. Add a category for each day of the summit, and specify the date in each category’s custom data fields.

Each speaker’s video and download link will show up only on the specified day for free users, and will show up on the specified day and thereafter for users who purchase access.


  • Install the plugin
  • Add a category term for the various event days, and add the date in the ACF date field on each category item
  • Add speakers under the “Summit Speakers” CPT menu item
  • Use the supplied shortcodes as necessary to display speakers, downloads, etc.

Other Notes

Speaker Pages

To preview speaker’s pages with the protected content, log in as an administrator or editor and add the ?admin_preview=true parameter to the URL.

Available shortcodes:


  • Displays speaker photo, name, and talk title; accepts the arguments listed below


  • Displays speaker photo, name, talk title, and link to download (only if a download is specified); accepts the arguments listed below


  • Displays speaker photo, name, and talk title for speakers in today’s category; accepts the arguments listed below
  • Supplies the sf_purchase_link filter for modifying the purchase page URL; defaults to get_home_url() . '/purchase/'

Shortcode arguments

If no default is listed here, the parameter defaults to NULL. For more info, see WP_Query reference.



  • 1.5.1

    • Show full size bonus images in sidebar instead of cropped images
  • 1.5.0

    • Add support for event day start/end times
    • Add support for before/after sales promo images
    • Remove sf_purchase_link in favor of an ACF option
  • 1.4.4

    • Fix typo and add PSD for session-ended-banner.png
  • 1.4.3

    • Add option for go-live time
  • 1.4.2

    • Fix more timezone issues
  • 1.4.1

    • Fix timezone and access logic issues
  • 1.4

    • Add time settings for content access
    • Improve access control using memb_hasMembershipLevel with a specified level instead of relying on is_user_logged_in
  • 1.3

    • Add [today_speakers] shortcode
  • 1.2

    • Add more WP_Query paramaters
  • 1.1

    • Add [member_downloads] shortcode to list all available downloads
    • Add offset paramater support to [speaker_list] shortcode
  • 1.0

    • Add “summit_speaker” custom post type
    • Add [speaker_list] shortcode