
A script to browse test reports and display some stats. For PrestaShop E2E tests.

Primary LanguagePHP


Github Action PHP Coverage Status

QANightlyResults is a Symfony app, acting as a backend (via a JSON API) to handle and browse tests reports records.

You can use any frontend app you want to consume this API. We use a Vue app.

Its purpose is to :

  1. store results of tests in a database
  2. let people browse a report of a test execution
  3. display some statistics about test failures


You can create a .env.local file at the root of the project. You can also pass the values via environment variables.

Here are the main ones:

QANB_TOKEN Token to add JSON data through the Hook


Install dependencies with a composer install.

Create a database with a php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --dump-sql --force.

Web server configuration

Set up a vhost that points to the /public folder (example in the vhost.conf file).

Inserting new data

Use the hook provided in the Hook controller. You need to call one of these URLs with the method GET:

  • BASE_URL/hook/reports/import (for a Mocha Import)
  • BASE_URL/import/report/playwright (for a Playwright Import)

You can add these parameters in the query:

  • token: the token set in the environment variable QANB_TOKEN (e.g.: IpBzOmwXQUrW5Hn)
  • filename : the complete filename to look for in the Google Cloud Storage (e.g.: 2019-07-22-develop.json). The name must follow this pattern: /[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}-(.*)?\.json/


  • force: a special parameter used to force insert when a similar entry is found (criterias are :browser, campaign, date and version)
  • browser: to specify the browser. Possible values are 'chromium' (default), 'firefox', and 'edge'.
  • campaign: to specify the campaign. Possible values are 'functional' (default), 'sanity', 'e2e', and 'regression'.

EG : api.mysite.com/hook/reports/import?token=IpBzOmwXQUrW5Hn&filename=2019-07-22-develop.json EG : api.mysite.com/import/report/playwright?token=IpBzOmwXQUrW5Hn&filename=2019-07-22-develop.json

The files in the Google Cloud Storage might be huge, so be sure your server is properly configured to handle large files.

Files will be taken from https://storage.googleapis.com/prestashop-core-nightly/reports/.


If you're working with docker, we have you covered.

docker-compose up -d

And you should have the application running locally.

Though, we're not providing any DB at this time, so you'll have to:

  • Have your DB running
  • Edit the compose credentials about your DB