SendinBlue module for PrestaShop
Copyright (C) 2014 

You can freely use this module in your PrestaShop e-commerce website. For updates, please visit: 
Please send your questions & comments to 

SendinBlue's PrestaShop module allows you to easily sync your PrestaShop customers with your Sendinblue lists. 
This module facilitates you to synchronize your list of customers to your Sendinblue mailing lists and vice versa. 
It also allows you to use SendinBlue SMTP service to route your emails with SendinBlue. 
In addition, the module also comes with a tracking code using which you will be able to track all orders your customer
made, and using this information you can search for a list of all customers who placed more/less than XX€ orders or 
even total amount spent by your customers so that you can send them even more effective email campaigns.

Step 1)
Download the latest version of SendinBlue PrestaShop module from 

Step 2)
Login to your PrestaShop admin panel (Back office).

Step 3)
Go to "Modules" tab and click the "Add a module from my computer" link.

Step 4)
Select the "" file using the browse button from the "Module file" section and hit the upload button.

Step 5)
Go to modules tab, find SendinBlue module and click the 'configure' link.

Simply enable the "Activate the SendinBlue module" and specify your API key from your SendinBlue account. If you don't have it yet, please go to SendinBlue website: and then register and use the key which can be found here
 or if you are a SendinBlue user, you can get the key directly from