
Re-submission of doctor finder api call

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What's Up Doc February, 2020

An application that allows you to recieve a list of doctors based on criteria from the user's input.

By Patrick S. Delaney


In this application, the user inputs specific information to reviece a list of doctors in the Portland area. Information such as: medical symptoms, doctor names, specializations, etc.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  • Obntain your own unique API KEY.
  • Open your command terminal
  • Navigate to your desktop directory $ cd desktop
  • _Use the "$ git clone" command to clone this repository onto your desktop: $ git clone https://github.com/Prestwick97/WhatsUpDoc.git _
  • Navigate to application directory using $ cd WhatsUpDoc
  • While in the root directory, create a file called: ".env". $ touch .env.
  • Open directory in text editor of your choice. Many computers are configured to use the command $ code . in the terminal to open the folder in your default text editor.
  • While in the text editor, add your unique API key to the program by opening the .env folder and inputting the following " API_KEY = "your unique api key here".
  • You may now install all of the neccessary node files by running the following command in the terminal of the program's root directory: $ npm install
  • After all the node/webpack files have been installed, simply enter $ npm run start to open the application interface within your browser.
  • Enjoy! And stay healthy.


Program will enable the user to input the name of a doctor and recieve a list of doctors with that name.

  • input: Dr. Delaney
  • output: -list of doctors with the last name: Delaney-

Program will provide a list of medical doctors within the portland area based on on conditions the user inputs into the application.

  • input: sore throat
  • output: Portland area -list of doctors-

When program is asked to return a list of doctors, it will provide additional information about each doctor listed.

  • input: sore throat
  • output: Dr. Delaney {first name, last name, address, phone number, website, accepting new patients}

If program encounters an error with the API call, it will return a notification describing the specifics of the error.

  • input: Dr. Delaneyyy
  • output: error "invalid search query - status: 400"

If program cannot return any data based on the saerch criteria, user will be provided with a message stating the absense of results.

  • input: broken muffler
  • output: "There are no doctors in the Portland area related to this criteria"

Known Bugs

At the moment, there are no known bugs.

Support and contact details

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions, please contact me (Patrick Delaney) at: prestwick97@gmail.com

Technologies Used

  • BetterDoctor API
  • _Node/npm
  • Webpack_
  • HTML 5
  • CSS
    • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript
    • JQuery

Commit History


Licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2020 Patrick S. Delaney