
Flexible INtegrated Transformation and Annotation eNgineering platform

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Flexible INtegrated Transformation and Annotation eNgineering platform

The Fintan platform is an effort of combining existing converter frameworks with stream-based graph transformation and a workflow management engine in order to create integrated transformation pipelines for various input and output format. It has been developed to address the challenge of Transforming language resources and language data within Task 3.3 of the (Prêt-à-LLOD) project: Research and Innovation Action of the H2020 programme (ERC, grant agreement 825182).


Clone this repository including sub-modules:

	$> git clone https://github.com/Pret-a-LLOD/Fintan.git --recurse-submodules

Build the Fintan backend:

	$> cd Fintan/backend/
	$> (. build.sh)
	$> cd ../..

Test the Fintan backend:

	$> cd Fintan/backend/samples/xslt/apertium/
	$> . _apertium_demo.sh

Build the Fintan frontend:

	$> cd Fintan/ui/
	$> npm install
	$> cd ../..

Run the Fintan frontend

	$> (cd Fintan/ui/; npm start &)

When the container is running, use your browser to go to web address: http://localhost:3009

The frontend allows you to configure and export Fintan workflows. These can then be executed by the backend.

Fintan UI

For more information please refer to the full Software Documentation.
