
This is a re-implementation of the "One Time Inverse Consultation" algorithm (Tanaka and Umemura, 1994)

Primary LanguageJava


This service executes the "One Time Inverse Consultation" algorithm to obtain translation pairs between two languages in order to get indirect translations.

This method has been used as baseline in the TIAD task (Translation inference across dictionaries) in 2019, showing good results in comparison with the participants.

The One Time Inverse Consultation (OTIC) method was proposed by Tanaka and Umemura [1] in 1994, and adapted by Lin et. al [2] for the creation of multilingual lexicons. In short, the idea of the OTIC method is to explore, for a given word, the possible candidate translations that can be obtained through intermediate translations in the pivot language. Then, a score is assigned to each candidate translation based on the degree of overlap between the pivot translations shared by both the source and target words.

Currently, the REST Api has the following endpoints:

  1. GET /translation/{source}-{pivot}-{target}/{entry} , e.g. /translation/en-es-fr/dog Get an indirect translation from a given lexical entry by specifying the language codes of source, pivot and target languages,
  2. GET /translation/{source}-{pivot}-{target}, e.g. /translation/en-es-fr Get a full bilingual dictionary generated from the execution of the algorithm with a given source, pivot and target languages. This process can take several hours to finish.

For more details, please check the Swagger documentation at the path /swagger-ui.html. Example Curl command for endpoint 1: curl -X 'GET' 'http://localhost:8001/translation/en-es-fr/dog' -H 'accept: */*

The data on which OTIC Rest API relies to infer new translations is the new RDF version of the Apertium family of dictionaries [3] .


Requirements: To run this API locally, please ensure that you have Java and the build automation tool Maven installed.

To install the project locally, follow these steps:

  1. In the /otic directory, run the command mvn install .
  2. Once the project has been successfully built, run in the same directory the command java -jar target/otic-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar to start the server.
  3. Access the API at http://localhost:8080 .

As an alternative, there is a Docker image at https://hub.docker.com/r/pretallod/link-otic .


[1]: K. Tanaka and K. Umemura. "Construction of a bilingual dictionary intermediated by a third language". In COLING, pages 297–303, 1994.

[2]: L. T. Lim, B. Ranaivo-Malançon, and E. K. Tang. "Low cost construction of a multilingual lexicon from bilingual lists". Polibits, 43:45–51, 2011.

[3]: Gracia, J., Fäth, C., Hartung, M., Ionov, M., Bosque-Gil, J., Veríssimo, S., ... & Orlikowski, M. (2020, November). Leveraging Linguistic Linked Data for Cross-Lingual Model Transfer in the Pharmaceutical Domain. In International Semantic Web Conference (pp. 499-514). Springer, Cham.