Allows the Wii U YouTube app to continue functioning after its discontinuation
- aboood40091Not under a rock. :3
- AnimalFriend1
- cooolgamer
- darcellapyGlitchy
- DayVeeBoiFCK-DRM
- ecumber
- fermel01
- fox8091
- frankxzx
- GlobalManagementWorlds Wide Webs
- Gustavo240091Starrzil
- ihaveamac
- Ingunar
- Invictaz
- jaff80Texas
- jakiki6Germany
- kevbenjam
- KorozinThe Internet ;3
- Lrs121DigitalSea
- mariopossamatoMario Possamato's Lair
- MilosGames19
- MrDirectorySydney, NSW, Australia
- Nintendocustom
- osfanbuff63/mnt/c/Users/osfanbuff63/code_source
- Reshiban
- SepticRedhead
- sirkingchaseTexas
- Skyluker4The University of Arkansas
- Smu1zelSomewhere
- stvnHDBaden-Wüttemberg, Germany
- techno-archyour walls
- tentxo
- tomrow
- vincent-codingOn another planet...
- xenrelle
- Xpl0itU