
Oracle APEX plugin

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Pretius APEX Enhanced LOV item

Pretius APEX Enhanced LOV item is powerful combobox to select singular / multiple values in two modes: autocomplete and popup report. The plugin provides high customization possibilities through its attributes.


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Table of Contents



Demo Application


Features at Glance

  • compatible with Oracle APEX 5.1, 18.x, 19.x
  • The plugin has two modes: Autocomplete and popup report
  • Autocomplete custom filtering rules can be defined as SQL where clause
  • Autocomplete can render data in custom HTML template returned from JavaScript annonymouse function
  • Popup report columns can be configurable: sorting, filtering, aligment and heading text
  • The plugin texts are translatable


  • Interactive GRID support (since v1.1.0)
  • Floating label template (since v1.1.0)
  • Support for pasting values (for example from Excell file) (since v1.1.0)
  • RTL support
  • Mobile devices support
  • Show only selected in autocomplete mode
  • Different types of pagination in popup report
  • Creating new values in autocomplete mode
  • Oracle APEX Theme roller integration
  • Keyboard shortcuts
  • Highlighting search term in autocomplete
  • Columns order configurable in JSON
  • Grouping in autocomplete and popup report


Installation package

  • APEX_ENHANCED_LOV_ITEM.sql - the plugin package specification
  • APEX_ENHANCED_LOV_ITEM.plb - the plugin package body
  • item_type_plugin_pl_ostrowskibartosz_apex_enhancedlovitem.sql - the plugin installation file for Oracle APEX 5.1 or higher
  • example_app.sql - the plugin example app exported from apex.oracle.com (Oracle APEX 19.1). Application uses emp table which is available at apex.oracle.com.

Install procedure

To successfully install the plugin follow those steps:

  1. Install package APEX_ENHANCED_LOV_ITEM in the parsing schema of your application
  2. Install the plugin file item_type_plugin_pl_ostrowskibartosz_apex_enhancedlovitem.sql

Usage Guide

  1. Create APEX item PX_NAME with type set to APEX Enhanced LOV Item [Plug-in]
  2. Provide SQL query and mark display column with alias d and return column with alias r *
  3. Explore the plugin capabilities by reading Help Texts within APEX Application Builder
  4. Configure the plugin according to your requirements

* the plugin uses aliases d and r to recognize which column should be returned and which is general display column. Don't use aliases enclosed with quote character! See example below:

  e.empno r,
  e.ename d,
  emp e

Plugin Settings


Detailed information about how to use every attribute of the plugin is presented in built-in help texts in APEX Application Builder.

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  • General Settings

    • Autocomplete - autocomplete mode is available to end-user
    • Popup report - popup report mode is available to end-user
    • Multiple Selection - when checked the plugin allows to select multiple values in selected modes
  • Autocomplete Settings

    • Use Custom Search Logic
      • (when not checked) Default Autocomplete Search - Select list with 12 options
      • (when checked) Custom Search Logic - SQL where clause to be defined by developer
    • Use Custom Template
      • (when checked) Custom Autocomplete Template - annonymouse JavaScript returning HTML template for each row
    • Limit Displayed Tags
      • (when checked) Number Of Tags - number of tags (values) to be presented before wrapping others tags in summary tag
    • Minimal Input Length
      • (when checked) Minimal Input Length - minimal number of characters to be provided by end-user before performing autocomplete search
    • Rapid Selection - when checked then user is able to select value from list and write next phrase to search for. When unchecked in singular selection mode it automatically close autocomplete.
  • Popup Settings

    • Report Columns Configuration
      • (when checked) Report Columns Configuration - JSON object describing visibility, heading text, sorting, fitlering for each column of popup report
    • Clicking On Row Selects It - when checked, end user is able to select values by clicking on row in popup report
    • Custom Title
      • (When checked) Custom Title - text to be used as title for popup report dialog
    • Resizable - when checked, the popup report dialog is resizable by end-user
    • Draggable - when checked, the popup report dialog is draggable by end-user
    • Close On Escape - when checked, the popup report can be closed by pressing Escape key
    • Rows Per Page - when checked, end user can force report to show particular number of rows
    • Search In All Columns - when checked, end-user is able to filter popup report through all columns
    • Adjust Height To Report Rows
      • (when not checked) Dialog Height - popup report dialog has static height given by developer
      • (when checked) popup report adjusts dialog height to result rows
  • Report Basic Configuration

    • Display "Display" Column - when checked, column with alias d is rendered in popup report
    • Display "Return" Column - when checked, column with alias r is rendered in popup report
  • Dialog Width - popup report dialog has static with given by developer

Plugin Events


  • Autocomplete closed - Triggered each time autocomplete is closed.
  • Autocomplete data appended - Triggered each time new data is being loaded after scrolling autocomplete results/
  • Autocomplete data rendered - Triggered each time first set of data is being rendered
  • Autocomplete error - Triggered each time autocomplete has error
  • Autocomplete open - Triggered each time autocomplete is beind opened

Each autocomplete event has access through this.data to following information:

  "prompt": {
    "container": jQuery object, //autocomplete container
    "header"   : jQuery object, //autocomplete header with action menu
    "body"     : jQuery object, //autocomplete body containing rendered data
    "input"    : jQuery object  //autocomplete search input
  "mask": {
    "selected"     : Array,  //array of already selected data
    "dataAvailable": Boolean //boolean value indicates whether there is data to render

Popup report

  • Popup report closed - Triggered each time popup report is closed
  • Popup report data rendered - Triggered each time the popup report renders set of data
  • Popup report error - Triggered each time the popup report has error
  • Popup report open - Triggered each time the popup report is opened

Each popup report event has access through this.data to following information:

  "header"       : jQuery Object, //reference to container for global search, rows per page and pagination
  "container"    : jQuery Object, //reference to parent container of popup report
  "body"         : jQuery Object, //reference to body container of popup report
  "footer"       : jQuery Object, //reference to container for Show only selecte and button Select
  "pagination"   : jQuery Object, //reference to container for pagination
  "search"       : jQuery Object, //reference to input performing search in all columns
  "rowsPerPage"  : jQuery Object, //reference to select list
  "contentTable" : jQuery Object, //reference to result table of data currently rendered
  "state"        : {
    "selected"              : Array,  //Array of currently selected values in popup
    "searchString"          : String, //Currently provided search string
    "searchColumnIdx"       : Number, //Index (starting from 1) of column in SQL Query
    "sortedColumnIdx"       : Number, //Index (starting from 1) of column in SQL Query
    "sortedColumnDirection" : String, //String "asc" / "desc"
    "ajaxRunning"           : Boolean //If true then AJAX is currently running


To add new translations use Shared Componentes> Globalization > Text Messages.

Translation code Translation text Introduced
PAELI_POPUP_TEXT_ROWS_SELECTED All results (%0) on this page has been selected.
PAELI_POPUP_TEXT_NO_DATA_FOUND_SEARCH No data found for search term "%0".
PAELI_POPUP_TEXT_NO_DATA_FOUND_QUERY Dictionary has no data to render.
PAELI_POPUP_TEXT_CLEAR_FILTERING Click here to clear filtering.
PAELI_POPUP_TEXT_UNSAVED_CHANGES You have selected %0 values. Closing without saving will not save selected values.
PAELI_POPUP_TEXT_SEACH_IN_SELECTED You have filtered %0 row(s) from %1 selected row(s).
Click here to get back to all selected rows.
PAELI_POPUP_TEXT_FILTERED_INFO %0 results found for search term "%1".
PAELI_POPUP_TEXT_EXTRA_VALUE Value "%0" is not within dictionary.
PAELI_PROMPT_MENU_CLEAR_TITLE Clear all selected values
PAELI_PROMPT_MENU_POPUP_TITLE Open popup report v1.1.0
PAELI_PROMPT_TEXT_MINIMAL_INPUT_LENGTH_X Please enter %0 or more characters.
PAELI_PROMPT_TEXT_MINIMAL_INPUT_LENGTH_0 Start typing to get results.
PAELI_PROMPT_TEXT_RAPID_SELECTION Start typing to select more...
PAELI_TAGS_LIMITED_0 %0 selected
PAELI_POPUP_TEXT_SEARCHING Waiting for results...
PAELI_ERROR_DEBUG_OFF Please contact application administrator for more information.\nDetailed information available in debug mode. v1.1.0
PAELI_POPUP_PASTE_TEXTAREA_PLACEHOLDER Values must be separated by a newline character v1.1.0
PAELI_POPUP_PASTE_SUMMARY_PASTED_COUNT Total number of pasted values v1.1.0
PAELI_POPUP_PASTE_SUMMARY_PASTED_LENGHT Total length of pasted values including separator v1.1.0
PAELI_POPUP_PASTE_SUMMARY_VALUES_TO_BE_APPLIED Number of pasted values to be applied %0 v1.1.0
PAELI_POPUP_PASTE_SUMMARY_VALUES_EXCEEDING_LIMIT Number of pasted values exceeding the maximum length %0 v1.1.0
PAELI_POPUP_PASTE_SUMMARY_TH_VALUES_OUT Values exceeding maximum length limit v1.1.0
PAELI_POPUP_PASTE_SUMMARY_TH_VALUES_IN Values ready to be applied v1.1.0



  • fix for #36 - added debounce to listener on parent cascading lov items
  • fix for #40 - the plugin in interactive grid with readonly mode
  • fix for #42 - change event in autocomplete is not doubled



  • component name changed from APEX Enhanced LOV Item to Pretius APEX Enhanced LOV Item
  • Possibility to paste list of values (ie. from excel column)
    • new translation texts were added (see translation texts table)


  • Possibility to open popup report from autocomplete menu
  • Processing AJAX call in popup report doesn't flicker content of report

APEX Integration

  • Floating template is supported
  • Interactive Grid is supported


  • Code have been refactored
  • Debug messages are divided to each level


  • Code have been refactored
  • Debug via APEX Debugger is now available

Bugs fixed

  • #7 inline dialog bug is fixed . Item prompt is no longer hidden behind inline dialog,
  • #12 Loading display value for item session state on Page load has been fixed.,
  • #14,#15, #20 Cascading LOV funcionality has been fixed and now supports multiple parent items,
  • #17 focus issues are fixed
  • missing translation text PAELI_POPUP_PAGINATION_OF for pagination is now supported
  • order by clause in provided SQL Query is no longer removed. It fixes bug ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis when aliases d, e, c, o has been used in order by clause,
  • Warn On Unsaved Changes is supported,
  • item value is printed using htp.prn instead of htp.p. No new line \n character added to item value attribute at the end of string,


  • PL/SQL all strings inputed via search field is being escaped using APEX_ESCAPE.HTML - fix for potential XSS
  • PL/SQL value from session on page load is being escaped using APEX_ESCAPE.HTML - fix for potential XSS
  • PL/SQL Rows in which r columns is null is not available in autocomplete and popup mode - value in column r must be unique and can't be null
  • JS Typo in PAELI_POPUP_TEXT_ROWS_SELECTED has been fixed
  • Example application supporting objects has been updated (install script fixed, deinstall script created)


  • Plugin Rapid Selection attribute is now dependent on the plugin selection mode (multiple / singular). In singular selection unchecked Rapid Selection attribute results in closing autocomplete after selecting value,
  • Plugin Custom Autocomplete Template attribute help text has been updated with reference to this.data.selected which indicates that particular row is already selected by end-user,
  • Plugin new component attribute Autocomplete Rows To Fetch is available to define,
  • Plugin new component attribute Autocomplete Results Max Height is available to define,
  • Plugin in case of new component attributes new translatable text PAELI_PROMPT_TEXT_LOAD_MORE is now available.
  • PL/SQL autocomplete pagination (lazy loading) has been fixed to return given number of rows (previously it was duplicating last row from requested set of data)
  • JavaScript the plugin mask (apex item visualization) is focusable and support keypress and keydown events when focused.
    • pressing Down Arrow Key results in opening autocomplete
    • pressing any letter key results in opening autocomplete and peforming search

1.0.1, 1.0.2

minor fixes for first release


Initial Release

Known issues

About Author

Author Website Github Twitter E-mail
Bartosz Ostrowski http://ostrowskibartosz.pl @bostrowski @bostrowsk1 bostrowski@pretius.com, ostrowski.bartosz@gmail.com

About Pretius

Pretius Sp. z o.o. Sp. K.

Address Website E-mail
Przy Parku 2/2 Warsaw 02-384, Poland http://www.pretius.com office@pretius.com

Free support

Pretius provides free support for the plugins at the GitHub platform. We monitor raised issues, prepare fixes, and answer your questions. However, please note that we deliver the plug-ins free of charge, and therefore we will not always be able to help you immediately.

Interested in better support?

Bug reporting and change requests

Have you found a bug or have an idea of additional features that the plugin could cover? Firstly, please check the Roadmap and Known issues sections. If your case is not on the lists, please open an issue on a GitHub page following these rules:

  • issue should contain login credentials to the application at apex.oracle.com where the problem is reproduced;
  • issue should include steps to reproduce the case in the demo application;
  • issue should contain description about its nature.

Implementation issues

If you encounter a problem during the plug-in implementation, please check out our demo application. We do our best to describe each possible use case precisely. If you can not find a solution or your problem is different, contact us: apex-plugins@pretius.com.

Become a contributor!

We consider our plugins as genuine open source products, and we encourage you to become a contributor. Help us improve plugins by fixing bugs and developing extra features. Comment one of the opened issues or register a new one, to let others know what you are working on. When you finish, create a new pull request. We will review your code and add the changes to the repository.

By contributing to this repository, you help to build a strong APEX community. We will prioritize any issues raised by you in this and any other plugins.

Comercial support

We are happy to share our experience for free, but we also realize that sometimes response time, quick implementation, SLA, and instant release for the latest version are crucial. That’s why if you need extended support for our plug-ins, please contact us at apex-plugins@pretius.com. We offer:

  • enterprise-level assistance;
  • support in plug-ins implementation and utilization;
  • dedicated contact channel to our developers;
  • SLA at the level your organization require;
  • priority update to next APEX releases and features listed in the roadmap.