
Graduation Project; Korea Reaction Anaysis Service from Internet News

Primary LanguagePython

K-React: Korea Reaction Anaysis Service from Internet News

screenshot - North Korea

Graduation Project on Hanyang University Computer Science Department, B.S. with Taehwa Jung (2018)

How to run


Docker Engine and docker-compose needed to be installed.

Step 1: Clone this repo

$ git clone https://github.com/Prev/kreact

Step 2: Download pre-trained data and unzip it

Notice: Pre-trained file is 375MB

$ cd redis-data
$ curl -O https://s3.ap-northeast-2.amazonaws.com/prev-gets/permanent/appendonly.aof.gz
$ gzip -d appendonly.aof.gz

Notice: Pre-trained data is generated in Oct 2018, which means there are NO RECENT DATA

Step 3: Run Docker

$ cd ..
$ docker-compose up

Access to app

Then you can access app on http://localhost:8080 (You can change port on docker-compose.yml).

It takes time to load data from file to memory on redis, so you might wait for some time.)

Use cases

Get public opinion of policies goverment excuting, or analyze postivie & negative point(keywords) of the company.

Blue means positive, and red means negative in both bar-chart and donut graph. Querying multiple keywords is available, analyzing common articles and reactions of the keywords.


screenshot - BTS

North Korea & Trump


Economy Policies



Got 1st award and award of popularity(by public voting) on Graduation Project Exhibition, Hanyang University Computer Science Department, Nov 2018.

got awarded