This bundle leverages a collection of Fabien Potencier's Twig Extensions for use in your application.
Available at Fabien's repository these extensions are considered useful but do not belong in the Core of Twig, so they have been moved to this separate repository, they are:
- Text: truncate and wordwrap filter
- Debug: retrieves the token parser
- Intl: localized date filter
- i18n: trans filter and block (this extension conflicts with standard Symfony translator, so it is off by default, see Usage below.)
Further documentation is available in the repository.
These are custom extensions which I find myself writing over and over for new projects.
- Textual Date: converts timestamp into dates like:
2 days ago
Simply run this
composer require dms/twig-extension-bundle
Load the bundle in your AppKernel
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new DMS\Bundle\TwigExtensionBundle\DMSTwigExtensionBundle(),
To control which extensions should be enabled, you can optionally add configuration settings in app/config.yml:
i18n: false
debug: false
text: true
intl: true
textual_date: true
pad_string: true
Extensions set to false
will not be loaded. Please refer to the extensions documentation for detailed usage on each one.