- 2
Multiple trackers initialization
#61 opened by misiyevich - 5
Is this module live?
#62 opened by misiyevich - 3
[Help] ReactGA.Send command doesn't work
#48 opened by felipe-ff - 6
Not receiving any data to Google Analytics, debugger extension shows no information in console
#37 opened by olalonde - 0
Support setting "user_properties" scope
#65 opened by leo-petrucci - 0
Reset method doesn't work
#64 opened by enucar - 1
Are there any plans to support this library?
#47 opened by AmsterGet - 13
is this library dead?
#53 opened by marioGMIT - 0
- 0
- 3
Does this library still works with UA?
#42 opened by dmvvilela - 0
filling up dataLayer
#58 opened by sKopheK - 5
Unable to set event-scoped custom dimension that applies to all sessions and events
#46 opened by benfixit - 0
reason behind custom mapping.
#57 opened by anonymouscatcher - 0
Ability to set data filters
#56 opened by kentmz - 1
Event params not being received
#55 opened by arturhaddad - 1
- 0
gaOptions not setting secure cookie flag?
#50 opened by dswilson4 - 0
Ecommerce Plugin migration
#49 opened by bastian-hidalgo - 2
- 0
Event processing aborted.
#44 opened by Franx0 - 0
We need a property that handles the 'send_to'
#43 opened by wlannistamps - 0
License file is missing
#40 opened by piwysocki - 0
Predefined Ecommerce Event Tracking
#39 opened by ardiansyaherwin - 6
[QUESTION] Best practices for using react-ga4
#35 opened by mrpbennett - 1
Invalid event parameter "_ipe" on event "page_view", parameter will not be logged
#38 opened by rijans - 2
Debug mode
#32 opened by madskchristensen - 1
- 2
#34 opened by akshata456 - 0
- 5
- 2
Custom event parameters
#16 opened by ryancrunchi - 1
Unset GTag
#28 opened by PathToLife - 0
Default Initialize command for GA4
#27 opened by djswilly - 2
How do i get the event counts back to my app, i want to be able to present the counts to the owner of the content that has been viewed
#26 opened by GISSIAH - 2
Send pageview with a custom path
#25 opened by azielstyle - 1
gtagOptions doesn't work
#24 opened by Kevin-Hamilton - 6
- 2
No event category or label values
#20 opened by babipal - 3
- 2
Nonce for CSP support
#19 opened by zifeo - 1
Equivalent to gtag set
#18 opened by pedrommuller - 1
[Doc] OutboundLink
#15 opened by aress31 - 1
Multiple Tracker Support
#7 opened by taijuten - 5
[Doc] Web Vitals Support/Integration
#14 opened by aress31 - 2
Feature to Not Sending Data when Developping
#13 opened by aress31 - 2
Debug Logging
#12 opened by aress31 - 1
outboundLink is not supported
#11 opened by leonprou - 1
sending pageview with custom path
#9 opened by samuelcolvin - 3