Brings back the old line-height
, fonts, colors, padding, borders, etc. of StackExchange websites like StackOverflow, SuperUser, ServerFault, etc.
Google Chrome Extension
GreaseMonkey / TamperMonkey Script
| (only line-height)
Stylish Theme (works with Stylus)
Mobile: instructions
- Only revert line-height
- Choose custom line-height value
- Revert to old paragraph spacing
- Enable additional reversions (background-colors, border-radius, padding, etc.)
- Revert to old Fonts (Arial, Consolas) [only Chrome Extension!]
- Change blockquote styling (darker text, yellow background)
- Disable extension with one click
- Add option to revert fonts (as of May 10th)
- Test on mobile devices
- Add more customizable options (or keep it simple?)
- Find and Revert more changes
- Check if this works in Dark Mode
- Add raw Custom CSS text option
- Check if extension saving (sync) can fail if popup is closed too fast
- Difference between OLD and NEW CSS styling: (WARNING: may crash browser)