prime is a framework for efficient, globally distributed training of AI models over the internet.
- aiseei
- anandiyer94107
- atveitMicrosoft
- AxiMindsAxiMinds
- bukit-kronikKRONIK
- cyrilzakka@huggingface
- dkaptGreece
- dvmazurMadvillain Bistro Bed and Breakfast Bar and Grill
- fabiodr
- ghosthamletThe Rest Is Silence of Code
- ifitsmanuNew York
- ivanbaldo@netlabsuy
- JacquesGariepyQuébec, Québec, Canada
- javendaXghoptional
- limapedro
- LulzxAsia, Earth
- martintomovEurope
- miliansolbergNorway
- mitkoxmitko x
- mysticaltechSpain
- neverix
- osansevieroGoogle
- p00pcvm
- phanmnHo Chi Minh city, Viet Nam
- rishub-tamirisaUniversity of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
- RodolfoCastanheira
- Ryu1845
- stillonearthMoscow, Russia
- TheOnePotatoDog
- TheSeamau5Entrepreneur
- toyxyz
- twilwa
- vincentweisserprime intellect
- vujadinGameStudioHx
- walln
- willieneis