
ruby essential training

Primary LanguageRuby


My notes taken during course from kevin skoglund, lynda.com

# this is a single line comment

  this is a multi line comment
  IMPORTANT!!! the = must be the first character on the line

# ruby devs prefer TWO space indentation not four, this is kinda important to the community

On the command line

$ irb                # start interpreter on command line
$ irb --simple-prompt
> quit               # quit to exit

$ ruby -v            # to get version / see if installed

$ ruby myscript.rb   # must include .rb extension to run a script

Docs are at http://ruby-doc.org/core

Also docs avail from command line just type ri before a command

$ ri upcase     # spits out docs for upcase same as at the link above 

-objects, vars, ints, floats, strings, string templates, arrays, hashes, symbols, booleans, logic operators, ranges, constants

-if, elsif, unless, case, ternary, or, or-equals

-loop, while, until, upto, each, for, in
• Added additional research on block delimeters do end vs { } with a stack overflow question

-code block uses local variable instead of block scope variable in older versions of ruby

-find, include, find-all, any?, all?, delete-if
• Added additional research, code block as a transformer for the method

-merge and collect

-comparison operator and sort

-inject and memo

-methods aka functions

-classes, instance scoped vars, attr, initialize method
• Additional research, how do we set a private method when all methods are public by default?
• Stackoverflow thread explaining confusing part of the turoial where the method is named 'noise='

-class methods, example factory, class scoped vars, class scoped reader and writer
• TO DO: Additional research needed on keyword self. when used inside the initialize method, is it pointing to the instance not the class?

inheritance, subclass superclass, overriding methods, calling super

modules, namespacing, require and include