Nuxt Blockchain

Create a blockchain app.

Step 1

Get the ball running with some initial behavior.


  • Create a user
  • Check the balance of an user
  • Transfer amount from one user to another
  • Check all balances in the blockchain


  • Authentication
    • Anyone can do anything
    • Fixed with passwords
  • Availability/reliability
    • Everything in memory
    • Single point of failure. I stop server, we're wiped out.
    • Server goes down...
    • Government shuts down server...
    • Currency dies...
  • Security
    • If anyone gets root access they can do anything

Step 2

Add a decentralized architecture. Use gossip protocol as proof of concept that we can propagate changes through a network of peers. Version updates in order to reconcile conflicts when a peer on the network receives multiple updates to the same port/peer/block.