
My reading list for deep learning research

Reading list

This repository contains my reading list for deep learning research. Topics are mainly: relation extraction, reading comprehension, neural network architectures, classification, neural machine translation and many more.


Authors: Pooled Contextualized Embeddings for Named Entity Recognition


Contextual string embeddings are a recent typeof contextualized word embedding that were shown to yield state-of-the-art results when utilized in a range of sequence labeling tasks. They are based on character-level language models which treat text as distributions over characters and are capable of generating embeddings for any string of characters within any textual context. However, such purely character-based approaches struggle to produce meaningful embeddings if a rare string is used in a underspecified context. To address this drawback, we propose a method in which we dynamically aggregate contextualized embeddings of each unique string that we encounter. We then use a pooling operation to distill a global word representation from all contextualized instances. We evaluate these pooled contextualized embeddings on common named entity recognition (NER) tasks such as CoNLL-03 and WNUT and show that our approach significantly improves the state-of-the-art for NER. We make all code and pre-trained models available to the research community for use and reproduction.

Materials(s): [Paper] - [GitHub]

SciBERT: Pretrained Contextualized Embeddings for Scientific Text

Authors: Iz Beltagy, Arman Cohan, Kyle Lo


Obtaining large-scale annotated data for NLP tasks in the scientific domain is challenging and expensive. We release SciBERT, a pretrained contextualized embedding model based on BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) to address the lack of high-quality, large-scale labeled scientific data. SciBERT leverages unsupervised pretraining on a large multi-domain corpus of scientific publications to improve performance on downstream scientific NLP tasks. We evaluate on a suite of tasks including sequence tagging, sentence classification and dependency parsing, with datasets from a variety of scientific domains. We demonstrate statistically significant improvements over BERT and achieve new state-of-the-art results on several of these tasks.

Materials(s): [Paper] - [GitHub]

Linguistic Knowledge and Transferability of Contextual Representations

Authors: Nelson F. Liu, Matt Gardner, Yonatan Belinkov, Matthew Peters, Noah A. Smith


Contextual word representations derived from large-scale neural language models are successful across a diverse set of NLP tasks, suggesting that they encode useful and transferable features of language. To shed light on the linguistic knowledge they capture, we study the representations produced by several recent pretrained contextualizers (variants of ELMo, the OpenAI transformer LM, and BERT) with a suite of sixteen diverse probing tasks. We find that linear models trained on top of frozen contextual representations are competitive with state-of-the-art task-specific models in many cases, but fail on tasks requiring fine-grained linguistic knowledge (e.g., conjunct identification). To investigate the transferability of contextual word representations, we quantify differences in the transferability of individual layers within contextualizers, especially between RNNs and transformers. For instance, higher layers of RNNs are more task-specific, while transformer layers do not exhibit the same monotonic trend. In addition, to better understand what makes contextual word representations transferable, we compare language model pretraining with eleven supervised pretraining tasks. For any given task, pretraining on a closely related task yields better performance than language model pretraining (which is better on average) when the pretraining dataset is fixed. However, language model pretraining on more data gives the best results.

Materials(s): [Paper]

Cloze-driven Pretraining of Self-attention Networks

Authors: Alexei Baevski, Sergey Edunov, Yinhan Liu, Luke Zettlemoyer, Michael Auli


We present a new approach for pretraining a bi-directional transformer model that provides significant performance gains across a variety of language understanding problems. Our model solves a cloze-style word reconstruction task, where each word is ablated and must be predicted given the rest of the text. Experiments demonstrate large performance gains on GLUE and new state of the art results on NER as well as constituency parsing benchmarks, consistent with the concurrently introduced BERT model. We also present a detailed analysis of a number of factors that contribute to effective pretraining, including data domain and size, model capacity, and variations on the cloze objective.

Materials(s): [Paper]

Comments: New SOTA e.g. for NER. With the large CNN model (+ fine-tuning) a F1-Score of 93.5% can be achieved.

To Tune or Not to Tune? Adapting Pretrained Representations to Diverse Tasks

Authors: Matthew Peters, Sebastian Ruder, Noah A. Smith


While most previous work has focused on different pretraining objectives and architectures for transfer learning, we ask how to best adapt the pretrained model to a given target task. We focus on the two most common forms of adaptation, feature extraction (where the pretrained weights are frozen), and directly fine-tuning the pretrained model. Our empirical results across diverse NLP tasks with two state-of-the-art models show that the relative performance of fine-tuning vs. feature extraction depends on the similarity of the pretraining and target tasks. We explore possible explanations for this finding and provide a set of adaptation guidelines for the NLP practitioner.

Materials(s): [Paper]

Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning for NLP

Authors: Neil Houlsby, Andrei Giurgiu, Stanislaw Jastrzebski, Bruna Morrone, Quentin de Laroussilhe, Andrea Gesmundo, Mona Attariyan, Sylvain Gelly


Fine-tuning large pre-trained models is an effective transfer mechanism in NLP. However, in the presence of many downstream tasks, fine-tuning is parameter inefficient: an entire new model is required for every task. As an alternative, we propose transfer with adapter modules. Adapter modules yield a compact and extensible model; they add only a few trainable parameters per task, and new tasks can be added without revisiting previous ones. The parameters of the original network remain fixed, yielding a high degree of parameter sharing. To demonstrate adapter's effectiveness, we transfer the recently proposed BERT Transformer model to 26 diverse text classification tasks, including the GLUE benchmark. Adapters attain near state-of-the-art performance, whilst adding only a few parameters per task. On GLUE, we attain within 0.4% of the performance of full fine-tuning, adding only 3.6% parameters per task. By contrast, fine-tuning trains 100% of the parameters per task.

Materials(s): [Paper]

Pay Less Attention with Lightweight and Dynamic Convolutions

Authors: Felix Wu, Angela Fan, Alexei Baevski, Yann N. Dauphin, Michael Auli


Self-attention is a useful mechanism to build generative models for language and images. It determines the importance of context elements by comparing each element to the current time step. In this paper, we show that a very lightweight convolution can perform competitively to the best reported self-attention results. Next, we introduce dynamic convolutions which are simpler and more efficient than self-attention. We predict separate convolution kernels based solely on the current time-step in order to determine the importance of context elements. The number of operations required by this approach scales linearly in the input length, whereas self-attention is quadratic. Experiments on large-scale machine translation, language modeling and abstractive summarization show that dynamic convolutions improve over strong self-attention models. On the WMT'14 English-German test set dynamic convolutions achieve a new state of the art of 29.7 BLEU.

Materials(s): [Paper] - [Fairseq Implementation]

Comments: Well written paper, strong baselines. I'll definitely try it out and report results in my English-Macedonian and English-Vietnamese repos. Result for language modeling on Billion Word test set is lower than the reported one in the Transformer-XL paper.

Cross-lingual Language Model Pretraining

Authors: Guillaume Lample, Alexis Conneau


Recent studies have demonstrated the efficiency of generative pretraining for English natural language understanding. In this work, we extend this approach to multiple languages and show the effectiveness of cross-lingual pretraining. We propose two methods to learn cross-lingual language models (XLMs): one unsupervised that only relies on monolingual data, and one supervised that leverages parallel data with a new cross-lingual language model objective. We obtain state-of-the-art results on cross-lingual classification, unsupervised and supervised machine translation. On XNLI, our approach pushes the state of the art by an absolute gain of 4.9% accuracy. On unsupervised machine translation, we obtain 34.3 BLEU on WMT'16 German-English, improving the previous state of the art by more than 9 BLEU. On supervised machine translation, we obtain a new state of the art of 38.5 BLEU on WMT'16 Romanian-English, outperforming the previous best approach by more than 4 BLEU. Our code and pretrained models will be made publicly available.

Materials(s): [Paper]

Transformer-XL: Language Modeling with Longer-Term Dependency

Authors: Zihang Dai, Zhilin Yang, Yiming Yang, William W. Cohen, Jaime Carbonell, Quoc V. Le, Ruslan Salakhutdinov

We propose a novel neural architecture, Transformer-XL, for modeling longer-term dependency. To address the limitation of fixed-length contexts, we introduce a notion of recurrence by reusing the representations from the history. Empirically, we show state-of-the-art (SoTA) results on both word-level and character-level language modeling datasets, including WikiText-103, One Billion Word, Penn Treebank, and enwiki8. Notably, we improve the SoTA results from 1.06 to 0.99 in bpc on enwiki8, from 33.0 to 18.9 in perplexity on WikiText-103, and from 28.0 to 23.5 in perplexity on One Billion Word. Performance improves when the attention length increases during evaluation, and our best model attends to up to 1,600 words and 3,800 characters. To quantify the effective length of dependency, we devise a new metric and show that on WikiText-103 Transformer-XL manages to model dependency that is about 80% longer than recurrent networks and 450% longer than Transformer. Moreover, Transformer-XL is up to 1,800+ times faster than vanilla Transformer during evaluation.

Materials(s): [Paper] - [GitHub]


DTMT: A Novel Deep Transition Architecture for Neural Machine Translation


Past years have witnessed rapid developments in Neural Machine Translation (NMT). Most recently, with advanced modeling and training techniques, the RNN-based NMT (RNMT) has shown its potential strength, even compared with the well-known Transformer (self-attentional) model. Although the RNMT model can possess very deep architectures through stacking layers, the transition depth between consecutive hidden states along the sequential axis is still shallow. In this paper, we further enhance the RNN-based NMT through increasing the transition depth between consecutive hidden states and build a novel Deep Transition RNN-based Architecture for Neural Machine Translation, named DTMT. This model enhances the hidden-to-hidden transition with multiple non-linear transformations, as well as maintains a linear transformation path throughout this deep transition by the well-designed linear transformation mechanism to alleviate the gradient vanishing problem. Experiments show that with the specially designed deep transition modules, our DTMT can achieve remarkable improvements on translation quality. Experimental results on Chinese->English translation task show that DTMT can outperform the Transformer model by +2.09 BLEU points and achieve the best results ever reported in the same dataset. On WMT14 English->German and English->French translation tasks, DTMT shows superior quality to the state-of-the-art NMT systems, including the Transformer and the RNMT+.

Materials(s): [Paper]

Semi-Supervised Sequence Modeling with Cross-View Training


Unsupervised representation learning algorithms such as word2vec and ELMo improve the accuracy of many supervised NLP models, mainly because they can take advantage of large amounts of unlabeled text. However, the supervised models only learn from task-specific labeled data during the main training phase. We therefore propose Cross-View Training (CVT), a semi-supervised learning algorithm that improves the representations of a Bi-LSTM sentence encoder using a mix of labeled and unlabeled data. On labeled examples, standard supervised learning is used. On unlabeled examples, CVT teaches auxiliary prediction modules that see restricted views of the input (e.g., only part of a sentence) to match the predictions of the full model seeing the whole input. Since the auxiliary modules and the full model share intermediate representations, this in turn improves the full model. Moreover, we show that CVT is particularly effective when combined with multi-task learning. We evaluate CVT on five sequence tagging tasks, machine translation, and dependency parsing, achieving state-of-the-art results.

Material(s): [Paper]

A Named Entity Recognition Shootout for German

Authors: Martin Riedl, Sebastian Padó


We ask how to practically build a model for German named entity recognition (NER) that performs at the state of the art for both contemporary and historical texts, i.e., a big-data and a small-data scenario. The two best-performing model families are pitted against each other (linear-chain CRFs and BiLSTM) to observe the trade-off between expressiveness and data requirements. BiL- STM outperforms the CRF when large datasets are available and performs infe- rior for the smallest dataset. BiLSTMs profit substantially from transfer learning, which enables them to be trained on multi- ple corpora, resulting in a new state-of-the- art model for German NER on two contem- porary German corpora (CoNLL 2003 and GermEval 2014) and two historic corpora.

Material(s): [Paper]

Comments: Many thanks to Martin Riedl for providing the datasets used in that paper 👍

Recurrently Controlled Recurrent Networks

Authors: Yi Tay, Luu Anh Tuan, Siu Cheung Hui


Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) such as long short-term memory and gated recurrent units are pivotal building blocks across a broad spectrum of sequence modeling problems. This paper proposes a recurrently controlled recurrent network (RCRN) for expressive and powerful sequence encoding. More concretely, the key idea behind our approach is to learn the recurrent gating functions using recurrent networks. Our architecture is split into two components - a controller cell and a listener cell whereby the recurrent controller actively influences the compositionality of the listener cell. We conduct extensive experiments on a myriad of tasks in the NLP domain such as sentiment analysis (SST, IMDb, Amazon reviews, etc.), question classification (TREC), entailment classification (SNLI, SciTail), answer selection (WikiQA, TrecQA) and reading comprehension (NarrativeQA). Across all 26 datasets, our results demonstrate that RCRN not only consistently outperforms BiLSTMs but also stacked BiLSTMs, suggesting that our controller architecture might be a suitable replacement for the widely adopted stacked architecture.

Material(s): [Paper]

DARCCC: Detecting Adversaries by Reconstruction from Class Conditional Capsules

Authors: Nicholas Frosst, Sara Sabour, Geoffrey Hinton


We present a simple technique that allows capsule models to detect adversarial images. In addition to being trained to classify images, the capsule model is trained to reconstruct the images from the pose parameters and identity of the correct top-level capsule. Adversarial images do not look like a typical member of the predicted class and they have much larger reconstruction errors when the reconstruction is produced from the top-level capsule for that class. We show that setting a threshold on the l2 distance between the input image and its reconstruction from the winning capsule is very effective at detecting adversarial images for three different datasets. The same technique works quite well for CNNs that have been trained to reconstruct the image from all or part of the last hidden layer before the softmax. We then explore a stronger, white-box attack that takes the reconstruction error into account. This attack is able to fool our detection technique but in order to make the model change its prediction to another class, the attack must typically make the "adversarial" image resemble images of the other class.

Material(s): [Paper] - [Twitter]

What do you learn from context? Probing for sentence structure in contextualized word representations

Authors: Anonymous


Contextualized representation models such as CoVe (McCann et al., 2017) and ELMo (Peters et al., 2018a) have recently achieved state-of-the-art results on a diverse array of downstream NLP tasks. Building on recent token-level probing work, we introduce a novel edge probing task design and construct a broad suite of sub-sentence tasks derived from the traditional structured NLP pipeline. We probe word-level contextual representations from three recent models and investigate how they encode sentence structure across a range of syntactic, semantic, local, and long-range phenomena. We find that ELMo encodes linguistic structure at the word level better than other comparable models, and that existing models trained on language modeling and translation produce strong representations for syntactic phenomena, but only offer small improvements on semantic tasks over a noncontextual baseline.

Material(s): [Paper]

Comments: Under review as a conference paper at ICLR 2019

BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding

Authors: Jacob Devlin, Ming-Wei Chang, Kenton Lee, Kristina Toutanova


We introduce a new language representation model called BERT, which stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. Unlike recent language representation models, BERT is designed to pre-train deep bidirectional representations by jointly conditioning on both left and right context in all layers. As a result, the pre-trained BERT representations can be fine-tuned with just one additional output layer to create state-of-the-art models for a wide range of tasks, such as question answering and language inference, without substantial task-specific architecture modifications. BERT is conceptually simple and empirically powerful. It obtains new state-of-the-art results on eleven natural language processing tasks, including pushing the GLUE benchmark to 80.4% (7.6% absolute improvement), MultiNLI accuracy to 86.7 (5.6% absolute improvement) and the SQuAD v1.1 question answering Test F1 to 93.2 (1.5% absolute improvement), outperforming human performance by 2.0%.

Material(s): [Paper] - [GitHub]

Comments: New deep bidirectional architecture for language understanding. Computationally ridiculous, BERT_large uses 256 TPU-days?!

A Large-Scale Test Set for the Evaluation of Context-Aware Pronoun Translation in Neural Machine Translation

Authors: Mathias Müller, Annette Rios, Elena Voita, Rico Sennrich


The translation of pronouns presents a special challenge to machine translation to this day, since it often requires context outside the current sentence. Recent work on models that have access to information across sentence boundaries has seen only moderate improvements in terms of automatic evaluation metrics such as BLEU. However, metrics that quantify the overall translation quality are ill-equipped to measure gains from additional context. We argue that a different kind of evaluation is needed to assess how well models translate inter-sentential phenomena such as pronouns. This paper therefore presents a test suite of contrastive translations focused specifically on the translation of pronouns. Furthermore, we perform experiments with several context-aware models. We show that, while gains in BLEU are moderate for those systems, they outperform baselines by a large margin in terms of accuracy on our contrastive test set. Our experiments also show the effectiveness of parameter tying for multi-encoder architectures.

Material(s): [Paper] - [GitHub]

FRAGE: Frequency-Agnostic Word Representation

Authors: Chengyue Gong, Di He, Xu Tan, Tao Qin, Liwei Wang, Tie-Yan Liu


Continuous word representation (aka word embedding) is a basic building block in many neural network-based models used in natural language processing tasks. Although it is widely accepted that words with similar semantics should be close to each other in the embedding space, we find that word embeddings learned in several tasks are biased towards word frequency: the embeddings of high-frequency and low-frequency words lie in different subregions of the embedding space, and the embedding of a rare word and a popular word can be far from each other even if they are semantically similar. This makes learned word embeddings ineffective, especially for rare words, and consequently limits the performance of these neural network models. In this paper, we develop a neat, simple yet effective way to learn FRequency-AGnostic word Embedding (FRAGE) using adversarial training. We conducted comprehensive studies on ten datasets across four natural language processing tasks, including word similarity, language modeling, machine translation and text classification. Results show that with FRAGE, we achieve higher performance than the baselines in all tasks.

Material(s): [Paper] - [GitHub]

Pervasive Attention: 2D Convolutional Neural Networks for Sequence-to-Sequence Prediction

Authors: Maha Elbayad, Laurent Besacier, Jakob Verbeek


Current state-of-the-art machine translation systems are based on encoder-decoder architectures, that first encode the input sequence, and then generate an output sequence based on the input encoding. Both are interfaced with an attention mechanism that recombines a fixed encoding of the source tokens based on the decoder state. We propose an alternative approach which instead relies on a single 2D convolutional neural network across both sequences. Each layer of our network re-codes source tokens on the basis of the output sequence produced so far. Attention-like properties are therefore pervasive throughout the network. Our model yields excellent results, outperforming state-of-the-art encoder-decoder systems, while being conceptually simpler and having fewer parameters.

Material(s): [Paper] - [GitHub]

Character-Level Language Modeling with Deeper Self-Attention

Authors: Rami Al-Rfou, Dokook Choe, Noah Constant, Mandy Guo, Llion Jones


LSTMs and other RNN variants have shown strong performance on character-level language modeling. These models are typically trained using truncated backpropagation through time, and it is common to assume that their success stems from their ability to remember long-term contexts. In this paper, we show that a deep (64-layer) transformer model with fixed context outperforms RNN variants by a large margin, achieving state of the art on two popular benchmarks- 1.13 bits per character on text8 and 1.06 on enwik8. To get good results at this depth, we show that it is important to add auxiliary losses, both at intermediate network layers and intermediate sequence positions.

Material(s): [arxiv]

Contextual String Embeddings for Sequence Labeling

Authors: Alan Akbik, Duncan Blythe, Roland Vollgraf


Recent advances in language modeling using recurrent neural networks have made it viable to model language as distributions over characters. By learning to predict the next character on the basis of previous characters, such models have been shown to automatically internalize linguistic concepts such as words, sentences, subclauses and even sentiment. In this paper, we propose to leverage the internal states of a trained character language model to produce a novel type of word embedding which we refer to as contextual string embeddings. Our proposed embeddings have the distinct properties that they (a) are trained without any explicit notion of words and thus fundamentally model words as sequences of characters, and (b) are contextualized by their surrounding text, meaning that the same word will have different embeddings depending on its contextual use. We conduct a comparative evaluation against previous embeddings and find that our embeddings are highly useful for downstream tasks: across four classic sequence labeling tasks we consistently outperform the previous state-of-the-art. In particular, we significantly outperform previous work on English and German named entity recognition (NER), allowing us to report new state-of-the-art F1-scores on the CONLL03 shared task.

Material(s): [Paper] - [GitHub]

Comments: New SOTAs in NER, POS and chunking. Clean and awesome implementation is available. Well written and detailed documentation for reproducing the results is also available. Accepted at COLING 2018.

Neural Factor Graph Models for Cross-lingual Morphological Tagging

Authors: Chaitanya Malaviya, Matthew R. Gormley, Graham Neubig


Morphological analysis involves predicting the syntactic traits of a word (e.g. {POS: Noun, Case: Acc, Gender: Fem}). Previous work in morphological tagging improves performance for low-resource languages (LRLs) through cross-lingual training with a high-resource language (HRL) from the same family, but is limited by the strict, often false, assumption that tag sets exactly overlap between the HRL and LRL. In this paper we propose a method for cross-lingual morphological tagging that aims to improve information sharing between languages by relaxing this assumption. The proposed model uses factorial conditional random fields with neural network potentials, making it possible to (1) utilize the expressive power of neural network representations to smooth over superficial differences in the surface forms, (2) model pairwise and transitive relationships between tags, and (3) accurately generate tag sets that are unseen or rare in the training data. Experiments on four languages from the Universal Dependencies Treebank demonstrate superior tagging accuracies over existing cross-lingual approaches.

Material(s): [arxiv] - [GitHub]

Joint Embedding of Words and Labels for Text Classification

Authors: Guoyin Wang, Chunyuan Li, Wenlin Wang, Yizhe Zhang, Dinghan Shen, Xinyuan Zhang, Ricardo Henao, Lawrence Carin


Word embeddings are effective intermediate representations for capturing semantic regularities between words, when learning the representations of text sequences. We propose to view text classification as a label-word joint embedding problem: each label is embedded in the same space with the word vectors. We introduce an attention framework that measures the compatibility of embeddings between text sequences and labels. The attention is learned on a training set of labeled samples to ensure that, given a text sequence, the relevant words are weighted higher than the irrelevant ones. Our method maintains the interpretability of word embeddings, and enjoys a built-in ability to leverage alternative sources of information, in addition to input text sequences. Extensive results on the several large text datasets show that the proposed framework outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by a large margin, in terms of both accuracy and speed.

Material(s): [arxiv] - [GitHub]

Stack-Pointer Networks for Dependency Parsing

Authors: Xuezhe Ma, Zecong Hu, Jingzhou Liu, Nanyun Peng, Graham Neubig, Eduard Hovy


We introduce a novel architecture for dependency parsing: stack-pointer networks (StackPtr). Combining pointer networks with an internal stack, the proposed model first reads and encodes the whole sentence, then builds the dependency tree top-down (from root-to-leaf) in a depth-first fashion. The stack tracks the status of the depth-first search and the pointer networks select one child for the word at the top of the stack at each step. The StackPtr parser benefits from the information of the whole sentence and all previously derived subtree structures, and removes the left-to-right restriction in classical transition-based parsers. Yet, the number of steps for building any (including non-projective) parse tree is linear in the length of the sentence just as other transition-based parsers, yielding an efficient decoding algorithm with O(n2) time complexity. We evaluate our model on 29 treebanks spanning 20 languages and different dependency annotation schemas, and achieve state-of-the-art performance on 21 of them.

Material(s): [arxiv] - [GitHub]

Subword Regularization: Improving Neural Network Translation Models with Multiple Subword Candidates

Authors: Taku Kudo


Subword units are an effective way to alleviate the open vocabulary problems in neural machine translation (NMT). While sentences are usually converted into unique subword sequences, subword segmentation is potentially ambiguous and multiple segmentations are possible even with the same vocabulary. The question addressed in this paper is whether it is possible to harness the segmentation ambiguity as a noise to improve the robustness of NMT. We present a simple regularization method, subword regularization, which trains the model with multiple subword segmentations probabilistically sampled during training. In addition, for better subword sampling, we propose a new subword segmentation algorithm based on a unigram language model. We experiment with multiple corpora and report consistent improvements especially on low resource and out-of-domain settings.

Material(s): [arxiv] - [GitHub]

Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation with Weight Sharing

Authors: Zhen Yang, Wei Chen, Feng Wang, Bo Xu


Unsupervised neural machine translation (NMT) is a recently proposed approach for machine translation which aims to train the model without using any labeled data. The models proposed for unsupervised NMT often use only one shared encoder to map the pairs of sentences from different languages to a shared-latent space, which is weak in keeping the unique and internal characteristics of each language, such as the style, terminology, and sentence structure. To address this issue, we introduce an extension by utilizing two independent encoders but sharing some partial weights which are responsible for extracting high-level representations of the input sentences. Besides, two different generative adversarial networks (GANs), namely the local GAN and global GAN, are proposed to enhance the cross-language translation. With this new approach, we achieve significant improvements on English-German, English-French and Chinese-to-English translation tasks.

Material(s): [arxiv] - [GitHub]

Exploiting Semantics in Neural Machine Translation with Graph Convolutional Networks

Authors: Yichao Lu, Phillip Keung, Faisal Ladhak, Vikas Bhardwaj, Shaonan Zhang, Jason Sun


Semantic representations have long been argued as potentially useful for enforcing meaning preservation and improving generalization performance of machine translation methods. In this work, we are the first to incorporate information about predicate-argument structure of source sentences (namely, semantic-role representations) into neural machine translation. We use Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) to inject a semantic bias into sentence encoders and achieve improvements in BLEU scores over the linguistic-agnostic and syntax-aware versions on the English--German language pair.

Material(s): [arxiv]

Adversarial Example Generation with Syntactically Controlled Paraphrase Networks

Authors: Mohit Iyyer, John Wieting, Kevin Gimpel, Luke Zettlemoyer


We propose syntactically controlled paraphrase networks (SCPNs) and use them to generate adversarial examples. Given a sentence and a target syntactic form (e.g., a constituency parse), SCPNs are trained to produce a paraphrase of the sentence with the desired syntax. We show it is possible to create training data for this task by first doing backtranslation at a very large scale, and then using a parser to label the syntactic transformations that naturally occur during this process. Such data allows us to train a neural encoder-decoder model with extra inputs to specify the target syntax. A combination of automated and human evaluations show that SCPNs generate paraphrases that follow their target specifications without decreasing paraphrase quality when compared to baseline (uncontrolled) paraphrase systems. Furthermore, they are more capable of generating syntactically adversarial examples that both (1) "fool" pretrained models and (2) improve the robustness of these models to syntactic variation when used to augment their training data.

Material(s): [arxiv] - [GitHub (coming soon)]

Phrase-Based & Neural Unsupervised Machine Translation

Authors: Guillaume Lample, Myle Ott, Alexis Conneau, Ludovic Denoyer, Marc'Aurelio Ranzato


Machine translation systems achieve near human-level performance on some languages, yet their effectiveness strongly relies on the availability of large amounts of bitexts, which hinders their applicability to the majority of language pairs. This work investigates how to learn to translate when having access to only large monolingual corpora in each language. We propose two model variants, a neural and a phrase-based model. Both versions leverage automatic generation of parallel data by backtranslating with a backward model operating in the other direction, and the denoising effect of a language model trained on the target side. These models are significantly better than methods from the literature, while being simpler and having fewer hyper-parameters. On the widely used WMT14 English-French and WMT16 German-English benchmarks, our models respectively obtain 27.1 and 23.6 BLEU points without using a single parallel sentence, outperforming the state of the art by more than 11 BLEU points.

Material(s): [arxiv]

Comments: Nice new SOTA results, but unfortunately no implementation is currently provided, so the results are not reproducible.

GLUE: A Multi-Task Benchmark and Analysis Platform for Natural Language Understanding

Authors: Alex Wang, Amanpreet Singh, Julian Michael, Felix Hill, Omer Levy, Samuel R. Bowman


For natural language understanding (NLU) technology to be maximally useful, both practically and as a scientific object of study, it must be general: it must be able to process language in a way that is not exclusively tailored to any one specific task or dataset. In pursuit of this objective, we introduce the General Lan- guage Understanding Evaluation benchmark (GLUE), a tool for evaluating and analyzing the performance of models across a diverse range of existing NLU tasks. GLUE is model- agnostic, but it incentivizes sharing knowledge across tasks because certain tasks have very limited training data. We further provide a hand-crafted diagnostic test suite that enables detailed linguistic analysis of NLU models. We evaluate baselines based on current meth- ods for multi-task and transfer learning and find that they do not immediately give substantial improvements over the aggregate performance of training a separate model per task, indicating room for improvement in develop- ing general and robust NLU systems.

Material(s): [Paper] - [Website]

The unreasonable effectiveness of the forget gate

Authors: Jos van der Westhuizen, Joan Lasenby


Given the success of the gated recurrent unit, a natural question is whether all the gates of the long short-term memory (LSTM) network are necessary. Previous research has shown that the forget gate is one of the most important gates in the LSTM. Here we show that a forget-gate-only version of the LSTM with chrono-initialized biases, not only provides computational savings but outperforms the standard LSTM on multiple benchmark datasets and competes with some of the best contemporary models. Our proposed network, the JANET, achieves accuracies of 99% and 92.5% on the MNIST and pMNIST datasets, outperforming the standard LSTM which yields accuracies of 98.5% and 91%.

Material(s): [arxiv] - [GitHub]

When and Why are Pre-trained Word Embeddings Useful for Neural Machine Translation?

Authors: Ye Qi, Devendra Singh Sachan, Matthieu Felix, Sarguna Janani Padmanabhan, Graham Neubig


The performance of Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems often suffers in low-resource scenarios where sufficiently large-scale parallel corpora cannot be obtained. Pre-trained word embeddings have proven to be invaluable for improving performance in natural language analysis tasks, which often suffer from paucity of data. However, their utility for NMT has not been extensively explored. In this work, we perform five sets of experiments that analyze when we can expect pre-trained word embeddings to help in NMT tasks. We show that such embeddings can be surprisingly effective in some cases -- providing gains of up to 20 BLEU points in the most favorable setting.

Material(s): [arxiv] - [GitHub]

Adafactor: Adaptive Learning Rates with Sublinear Memory Cost

Authors: Noam Shazeer, Mitchell Stern


In several recently proposed stochastic optimization methods (e.g. RMSProp, Adam, Adadelta), parameter updates are scaled by the inverse square roots of exponential moving averages of squared past gradients. Maintaining these per-parameter second-moment estimators requires memory equal to the number of parameters. For the case of neural network weight matrices, we propose maintaining only the per-row and per-column sums of these moving averages, and estimating the per-parameter second moments based on these sums. We demonstrate empirically that this method produces similar results to the baseline. Secondly, we show that adaptive methods can produce larger-than-desired updates when the decay rate of the second moment accumulator is too slow. We propose update clipping and a gradually increasing decay rate scheme as remedies. Combining these methods and dropping momentum, we achieve comparable results to the published Adam regime in training the Transformer model on the WMT 2014 English-German machine translation task, while using very little auxiliary storage in the optimizer. Finally, we propose scaling the parameter updates based on the scale of the parameters themselves.

Material(s): [arxiv]

Fine-Grained Attention Mechanism for Neural Machine Translation

Authors: Heeyoul Choi, Kyunghyun Cho, Yoshua Bengio


Neural machine translation (NMT) has been a new paradigm in machine translation, and the attention mechanism has become the dominant approach with the state-of-the-art records in many language pairs. While there are variants of the attention mechanism, all of them use only temporal attention where one scalar value is assigned to one context vector corresponding to a source word. In this paper, we propose a fine-grained (or 2D) attention mechanism where each dimension of a context vector will receive a separate attention score. In experiments with the task of En-De and En-Fi translation, the fine-grained attention method improves the translation quality in terms of BLEU score. In addition, our alignment analysis reveals how the fine-grained attention mechanism exploits the internal structure of context vectors.

Material(s): [arxiv]

Comments: References are broken. Baseline is not really strong. The resulting BLEU-score of 23.74 for English-German is much lower than Luong and Manning reported (25.9) in 2015!

Investigating Capsule Networks with Dynamic Routing for Text Classification

Authors: Wei Zhao, Jianbo Ye, Min Yang, Zeyang Lei, Suofei Zhang, Zhou Zhao


In this study, we explore capsule networks with dynamic routing for text classification. We propose three strategies to stabilize the dynamic routing process to alleviate the disturbance of some noise capsules which may contain "background" information or have not been successfully trained. A series of experiments are conducted with capsule networks on six text classification benchmarks. Capsule networks achieve state of the art on 4 out of 6 datasets, which shows the effectiveness of capsule networks for text classification. We additionally show that capsule networks exhibit significant improvement when transfer single-label to multi-label text classification over strong baseline methods. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that capsule networks have been empirically investigated for text modeling.

Material(s): [arxiv]

Mittens: An Extension of GloVe for Learning Domain-Specialized Representations

Authors: Nicholas Dingwall, Christopher Potts


We present a simple extension of the GloVe representation learning model that begins with general-purpose representations and updates them based on data from a specialized domain. We show that the resulting representations can lead to faster learning and better results on a variety of tasks.

Material(s): [arxiv] - [GitHub]

An Analysis of Neural Language Modeling at Multiple Scales

Authors: Stephen Merity, Nitish Shirish Keskar, Richard Socher


Many of the leading approaches in language modeling introduce novel, complex and specialized architectures. We take existing state-of-the-art word level language models based on LSTMs and QRNNs and extend them to both larger vocabularies as well as character-level granularity. When properly tuned, LSTMs and QRNNs achieve state-of-the-art results on character-level (Penn Treebank, enwik8) and word-level (WikiText-103) datasets, respectively. Results are obtained in only 12 hours (WikiText-103) to 2 days (enwik8) using a single modern GPU.

Material(s): [arxiv]

Word2Bits - Quantized Word Vectors

Author: Maximilian Lam


Word vectors require significant amounts of memory and storage, posing issues to resource limited devices like mobile phones and GPUs. We show that high quality quantized word vectors using 1-2 bits per parameter can be learned by introducing a quantization function into Word2Vec. We furthermore show that training with the quantization function acts as a regularizer. We train word vectors on English Wikipedia (2017) and evaluate them on standard word similarity and analogy tasks and on question answering (SQuAD). Our quantized word vectors not only take 8-16x less space than full precision (32 bit) word vectors but also outperform them on word similarity tasks and question answering.

Material(s): [arxiv] - [GitHub]

FEVER: a large-scale dataset for Fact Extraction and VERification

Authors: James Thorne, Andreas Vlachos, Christos Christodoulopoulos, Arpit Mittal


Unlike other tasks and despite recent interest, research in textual claim verification has been hindered by the lack of large-scale manually annotated datasets. In this paper we introduce a new publicly available dataset for verification against textual sources, FEVER: Fact Extraction and VERification. It consists of 185,441 claims generated by altering sentences extracted from Wikipedia and subsequently verified without knowledge of the sentence they were derived from. The claims are classified as Supported, Refuted or NotEnoughInfo by annotators achieving 0.6841 in Fleiss κ. For the first two classes, the annotators also recorded the sentence(s) forming the necessary evidence for their judgment. To characterize the challenge of the dataset presented, we develop a pipeline approach using both baseline and state-of-the-art components and compare it to suitably designed oracles. The best accuracy we achieve on labeling a claim accompanied by the correct evidence is 31.87%, while if we ignore the evidence we achieve 50.91%. Thus we believe that FEVER is a challenging testbed that will help stimulate progress on claim verification against textual sources.

Material(s): [arxiv] - [Website]

Comments: Really interesting, new problem. I'm going to take part in that competition.

Learning to Explain: An Information-Theoretic Perspective on Model Interpretation

Authors: Jianbo Chen, Le Song, Martin J. Wainwright, Michael I. Jordan


We introduce instancewise feature selection as a methodology for model interpretation. Our method is based on learning a function to extract a subset of features that are most informative for each given example. This feature selector is trained to maximize the mutual information between selected features and the response variable, where the conditional distribution of the response variable given the input is the model to be explained. We develop an efficient variational approximation to the mutual information, and show that the resulting method compares favorably to other model explanation methods on a variety of synthetic and real data sets using both quantitative metrics and human evaluation.

Material(s): [arxiv] - [GitHub]

CoVeR: Learning Covariate-Specific Vector Representations with Tensor Decompositions

Authors: Kevin Tian, Teng Zhang, James Zou


Word embedding is a useful approach to capture co-occurrence structures in a large corpus of text. In addition to the text data itself, we often have additional covariates associated with individual documents in the corpus---e.g. the demographic of the author, time and venue of publication, etc.---and we would like the embedding to naturally capture the information of the covariates. In this paper, we propose CoVeR, a new tensor decomposition model for vector embeddings with covariates. CoVeR jointly learns a base embedding for all the words as well as a weighted diagonal transformation to model how each covariate modifies the base embedding. To obtain the specific embedding for a particular author or venue, for example, we can then simply multiply the base embedding by the transformation matrix associated with that time or venue. The main advantages of our approach is data efficiency and interpretability of the covariate transformation matrix. Our experiments demonstrate that our joint model learns substantially better embeddings conditioned on each covariate compared to the standard approach of learning a separate embedding for each covariate using only the relevant subset of data, as well as other related methods. Furthermore, CoVeR encourages the embeddings to be "topic-aligned" in the sense that the dimensions have specific independent meanings. This allows our covariate-specific embeddings to be compared by topic, enabling downstream differential analysis. We empirically evaluate the benefits of our algorithm on several datasets, and demonstrate how it can be used to address many natural questions about the effects of covariates.

Material(s): [arxiv]

Fooling OCR Systems with Adversarial Text Images

Authors: Congzheng Song, Vitaly Shmatikov


We demonstrate that state-of-the-art optical character recognition (OCR) based on deep learning is vulnerable to adversarial images. Minor modifications to images of printed text, which do not change the meaning of the text to a human reader, cause the OCR system to "recognize" a different text where certain words chosen by the adversary are replaced by their semantic opposites. This completely changes the meaning of the output produced by the OCR system and by the NLP applications that use OCR for preprocessing their inputs.

Material(s): [arxiv]

TextZoo, a New Benchmark for Reconsidering Text Classification

Authors: Benyou Wang, Li Wang, Qikang Wei


Text representation is a fundamental concern in Natural Language Processing, especially in text classification. Recently, many neural network approaches with delicate representation model (e.g. FASTTEXT, CNN, RNN and many hybrid models with attention mechanisms) claimed that they achieved state-of-art in specific text classification datasets. However, it lacks an unified benchmark to compare these models and reveals the advantage of each sub-components for various settings. We re-implement more than 20 popular text representation models for classification in more than 10 datasets. In this paper, we reconsider the text classification task in the perspective of neural network and get serval effects with analysis of the above results.

Material(s): [arxiv] - [GitHub]

Comments: Early draft of the paper

Fast and Accurate Reading Comprehension by Combining Self-Attention and Convolution

Authors: Adams Wei Yu, David Dohan, Quoc Le, Thang Luong, Rui Zhao, Kai Chen


Current end-to-end machine reading and question answering (Q&A) models are primarily based on recurrent neural networks (RNNs) with attention. Despite their success, these models are often slow for both training and inference due to the sequential nature of RNNs. We propose a new Q&A model that does not require recurrent networks: It consists exclusively of attention and convolutions, yet achieves equivalent or better performance than existing models. On the SQuAD dataset, our model is 3x to 13x faster in training and 4x to 9x faster in inference. The speed-up gain allows us to train the model with much more data. We hence combine our model with data generated by backtranslation from a neural machine translation model. This data augmentation technique not only enhances the training examples but also diversifies the phrasing of the sentences, which results in immediate accuracy improvements. Our single model achieves 84.6 F1 score on the test set, which is significantly better than the best published F1 score of 81.8.

Material(s): [ICLR 2018]

Comments: Enormous reduction of training time. "Data augmentation" using neural machine translation is an awesome idea.

Matrix capsules with EM routing

Authors: Geoffrey E Hinton, Sara Sabour, Nicholas Frosst


A capsule is a group of neurons whose outputs represent different properties of the same entity. Each layer in a capsule network contains many capsules [a group of capsules forms a capsule layer and can be used in place of a traditional layer in a neural net]. We describe a version of capsules in which each capsule has a logistic unit to represent the presence of an entity and a 4x4 matrix which could learn to represent the relationship between that entity and the viewer (the pose). A capsule in one layer votes for the pose matrix of many different capsules in the layer above by multiplying its own pose matrix by trainable viewpoint-invariant transformation matrices that could learn to represent part-whole relationships. Each of these votes is weighted by an assignment coefficient. These coefficients are iteratively updated for each image using the Expectation-Maximization algorithm such that the output of each capsule is routed to a capsule in the layer above that receives a cluster of similar votes. The transformation matrices are trained discriminatively by backpropagating through the unrolled iterations of EM between each pair of adjacent capsule layers. On the smallNORB benchmark, capsules reduce the number of test errors by 45% compared to the state-of-the-art. Capsules also show far more resistance to white box adversarial attack than our baseline convolutional neural network.

Material(s): [ICLR 2018] - [GitHub, offical implementation of CapsNet]

Comments: Finally accepted!

Deep contextualized word representations

Authors: Matthew E Peters, Mark Neumann, Mohit Iyyer, Matt Gardner, Christopher Clark, Kenton Lee, Luke Zettlemoyer


We introduce a new type of deep contextualized word representation that models both (1) complex characteristics of word use (e.g., syntax and semantics), and (2) how these uses vary across linguistic contexts (i.e., to model polysemy). Our word vectors are learned functions of the internal states of a deep bidirectional language model (biLM), which is pretrained on a large text corpus. We show that these representations can be easily added to existing models and significantly improve the state of the art across six challenging NLP problems, including question answering, textual entailment and sentiment analysis. We also present an analysis showing that exposing the deep internals of the pretrained network is crucial, allowing downstream models to mix different types of semi-supervision signals.

Material(s): [arxiv] - [Github, part of allennlp] - [Website]

Fine-tuned Language Models for Text Classification

Authors: Jeremy Howard, Sebastian Ruder


Transfer learning has revolutionized computer vision, but existing approaches in NLP still require task-specific modifications and training from scratch. We propose Fine-tuned Language Models (FitLaM), an effective transfer learning method that can be applied to any task in NLP, and introduce techniques that are key for fine-tuning a state-of-the-art language model. Our method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art on five text classification tasks, reducing the error by 18-24% on the majority of datasets. We open-source our pretrained models and code to enable adoption by the community.

Material(s): [arxiv] - [GitHub, part of fastai courses]

Towards Neural Phrase-based Machine Translation

Authors: Po-Sen Huang, Chong Wang, Sitao Huang, Dengyong Zhou, Li Deng


In this paper, we present Neural Phrase-based Machine Translation (NPMT). Our method explicitly models the phrase structures in output sequences using Sleep-WAke Networks (SWAN), a recently proposed segmentation-based sequence modeling method. To mitigate the monotonic alignment requirement of SWAN, we introduce a new layer to perform (soft) local reordering of input sequences. Different from existing neural machine translation (NMT) approaches, NPMT does not use attention-based decoding mechanisms. Instead, it directly outputs phrases in a sequential order and can decode in linear time. Our experiments show that NPMT achieves superior performances on IWSLT 2014 German-English/English-German and IWSLT 2015 English-Vietnamese machine translation tasks compared with strong NMT baselines. We also observe that our method produces meaningful phrases in output languages.

Material(s): [arxiv] - [GitHub]