
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Primer Research

This repository contains or refers to implementations, research code and data related to Primer publications and preprints.

Paper Source/Data
Linear Cross-Lingual Mapping of Sentence Embeddings. 2023 wikinews
Neural Embeddings for Text. 2022 neural_embeddings
BabyBear: Cheap inference triage for expensive language models. 2022 babybear
Named Entity Linking with Entity Representation by Multiple Embeddings. 2022
Does Summary Evaluation Survive Translation to Other Languages? 2022 summary_translation
Play the Shannon Game with Language Models: A Human-Free Approach to Summary Evaluation. 2022 shannon, blanc
Consistency and Coherence from Points of Contextual Similarity. 2021 estime-soft, blanc
Namesakes: Ambiguously Named Entities from Wikipedia and News. 2021 namesakes
ESTIME: Estimation of Summary-to-Text Inconsistency by Mismatched Embeddings. 2021 estime, blanc
Towards Human-Free Automatic Quality Evaluation of German Summarization. 2021
Is Human Scoring the Best Criteria for Summary Evaluation? 2021
Primer AI's Systems for Acronym Identification and Disambiguation. 2021 sdu-data
Sensitivity of BLANC to human-scored qualities of text summaries. 2020 blanc, data
Fill in the BLANC: Human-free quality estimation of document summaries. 2020 blanc, data
Zero-shot topic generation. 2020
Headline Generation: Learning from Decomposable Document Titles. 2019