
Get know all about Linux command


What is Linux?

  • Open source operating system.
  • Free to use.
  • Open source code to modify.
  • Kernel base OS.

History of Linux.

  • Birthday 25th Aug 1991.
  • Developed by Lunus Toevalds.
  • Major Component
    • Kernel
    • Environment
    • File Structure
  • Purpose for fun 😊
  • Mascot for Linux TUX(Penguin).

Distribution of Linux.

  • Ubuntu
  • Debian
  • Red Hat
  • Gentoo
  • Fedora
  • Linux Mint
  • Oracle

Features of Linux

  • Multiuser Capaiblity
  • Multitasking
  • Portability
  • Security
  • Live CD/USB
  • Graphical user interface
  • Application Support
  • File System
  • Open Source

Basic File system of Linux.

  • /bin Basic program: All commands instruction/definition written in /bin directory eg: ls, cd, dir, etc.
  • /sbin System program: that help OS to intract with other hardware are stored in /sbin directory eg: fdisk, sysetl, mkfs, etc.
  • /etc Configuration files: when any software run in our system there all config; like port no, size, etc are stored in /etc directory.
  • /temp Temporary files: Store data taht is reciently created and if user deleted and user want it again they get from /temp directory.
  • /usr/bin Application: Other software that installed in system are stored in /usr/bin directory.
  • /usr/share Application support and data files: if any software required extra files to run program that stored in /usr/share diractory.
  • /home Personal directories or guest user.
  • /root Admin directory.

Linux basic command.

  • man: manual comment
  • ls: List all the folders and files of a directory.
  • ls -a: Shows all hidden floders.
  • cd: change directory.
  • cd ..:change directory to previous.
  • pwd: Check current working directory.
  • dir: Same as ls.
  • mkdir: Create new directory.
  • cp: Copy a file or folder.
  • mv: Move a file or folder.
  • rm: Remove a file or folder.
  • sudo su: Grant root privileges - great Power comes from great responsibility.
  • cat: Show content of a file.
  • gedit: Edit the file.
  • nano: Linux file editor.
  • chmod: change directory permission.
  • ./: Execute shell file.
  • bash: Execute shell program.
  • apt-get update:Info about new version of system software.
  • apt-get upgrade: Download and install new version of software.
  • apt-get install: To install new software in system.
  • top: Showing Linux process.
  • kill: Terminate process.
  • w: User login activity.
  • whoami: Display active user name.
  • touch: Create empty file.

Multiple command in one line

  • ;
  • &&
  • ||

Terminal Shortcuts

  • Tab:Auto complete names.
  • CTRL+C :Abort processing task.
  • CTRL+L :Clear
  • CTRL+ALT+D :Minimize all terminal
  • CTRL+U :Clear line
  • CTRL+Z :Suspend for background
  • CTRL+A :Point to starting point
  • CTRL+Shift+C :Copy
  • CTRL+Shift+V :Paste