
To learn about Markdown markup language.

Table of Contant


Use #..text

#..then Space then text to change the size of your text .


Use ** text **

To make bold use BOLD use 2 ** astrick before and after text.


use *text*

To make text to Italic use 1 * astrick before and after a text.

Strick Though

use ~~text~~

To use Strick Though use 2 ~~ tidle before and after a text.

Ordered List

use 1. text

  1. Element 1
    • Element 1.1
    • Element 1.2
  2. Element 2
    • Element 2.1
    • Element 2.2
  3. Element 3
    • Element 3.1
    • Element 3.2
  4. Element 4
    • Element 4.1
    • Element 4.2

Unorderd List

use - text

  • Use a simple dash - sing to use bulit point.

Code Text

To use <HTML>...</HTML> Use back track ` before and after a text.

Code block or snippit

To use code block use 3 back track ``` before and after a code snippet.

using namespace std;
struct tree{
   int data;

Horizontal line ---

Dadecated to:

To write a qourt by someone in you file use greater symbole > then text and to leave a line use same symble >.

If you wnat to add name of persion said this line use HTML tag <cite>...</cite>.



use [text](link)

  • eg: [Fundamental of C++](#Fundamental-of-C++)


Fundamental in C++

fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ fundamental in c++ .

OOPs in C++

OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++OOPs in C++.

DSA in C++

Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++Dsa in C++.


use ![text](link or path)


Add link over imgage:
use [ ![text](Image's link or path) ](link)



Uid Name Class Section E-Mail
22BCA10108 Prince 22BCA 1B Prince@mail.in
22BCA10108 Prince 22BCA 1B Prince@mail.in
22BCA10108 Prince 22BCA 1B Prince@mail.in
22BCA10108 Prince 22BCA 1B Prince@mail.in
22BCA10108 Prince 22BCA 1B Prince@mail.in
22BCA10108 Prince 22BCA 1B Prince@mail.in
22BCA10108 Prince 22BCA 1B Prince@mail.in
22BCA10108 Prince 22BCA 1B Prince@mail.in
22BCA10108 Prince 22BCA 1B Prince@mail.in
22BCA10108 Prince 22BCA 1B Prince@mail.in
Prince@mail.inHTML>` tag:
    <summary>No of Task</summary>
 - Task 1
 - Task 2
 - Task 3
No of Task
  • Task1
  • Task2
  • Task3


Syntax for Badge

![altText][https://img.shields.io/badge/'leftText '-'rightText '-ColorCode?style=for-the-badge&logo='logoName']





To add to the bedge [ ![]() ]()

