📚 React.js Syllabus

Topic Description Link
Introduction to React.js Introduction to React.js, Virtual DOM, React philosophy Link
Setting Up React Environment Installing Node.js and npm, Create React App Link
JSX (JavaScript XML) Syntax extension for JavaScript, JSX elements, JSX expressions Link
Components Functional Components, Class Components, Props, State, Lifecycle methods Link
Handling Events Event handling in React, Synthetic events, Event object Link
Conditional Rendering Rendering UI conditionally, Conditional operator, && operator, Ternary operator Link
Lists and Keys Rendering lists of data, Keys for dynamic lists, Lists with map() Link
Forms Handling forms in React, Controlled components, Uncontrolled components, Form validation Link
Styling Components Inline styles, CSS Modules, Styled Components Link
Lifecycle Methods Component lifecycle methods: Mounting, Updating, Unmounting, useEffect() Hook, Cleanup functions Link
React Hooks useState, useEffect, useContext, useRef, useMemo, useCallback, useReducer, Custom Hooks Link
Context API Sharing state between components, useContext Hook, createContext, Provider pattern Link
Routing with React Router Client-side routing in React applications, BrowserRouter, Route, Switch, useParams, useHistory, Route guards Link
Higher-Order Components Reusing component logic, Higher-order component pattern, Render props pattern, Composition vs Inheritance Link
Error Boundaries Handling errors in React applications, ErrorBoundary component, componentDidCatch lifecycle method Link
Performance Optimization Optimizing React applications for performance, Memoization, useMemo Hook, PureComponent, React.memo(), Virtualized lists Link
Forms with Formik Form management library for React, Formik components, Form validation with Yup, Formik context Link
State Management with Redux Global state management in React applications, Redux concepts, Actions, Reducers, Store, connect() function, useSelector and useDispatch Hooks Link
Server-Side Rendering (SSR) Rendering React components on the server, Next.js for SSR, Server-side rendering with Express.js Link
Testing React Applications Unit testing with Jest and React Testing Library, Snapshot testing, Mocking modules and components, End-to-end testing with Cypress Link
Serverless Functions with React Integrating React with serverless functions, AWS Lambda, Netlify Functions, Serverless framework Link
Progressive Web Apps (PWA) Building progressive web applications with React, Service workers, Web App Manifest, Offline support Link
GraphQL with Apollo Client Integrating GraphQL with React using Apollo Client, Queries, Mutations, Subscriptions, ApolloProvider Link
Internationalization (i18n) Adding multilingual support to React applications, i18next library, Internationalization best practices Link
Real-Time Data with WebSockets Integrating WebSockets for real-time data updates, WebSocket protocol, Socket.io library Link
Micro Frontends Building modular, independently deployable frontend applications, Micro Frontends architecture, Module Federation plugin for Webpack Link
React Native Building mobile applications with React Native, Components, Navigation, State management, Native modules Link