1. Problems and findings


  • Adding data to array from another components
  • pagination
  • responsive equal images using semantic UI


  • React useEffect to handle data before data loads to the DOM and after it loads
  • Use parameter to search for more than 10 photos
  • Routing to read picture details

2. Time Taken to Complete

  • its been 3 hours working on the project

3. Your coding style and standards

  • the coding style is used was line coding and error control and the standard of using safe ,secure and portable codes

4. Your source code files plus the final

Link To Repository

5. Documentation of your code where necessary

before running the project first initialize the project to get tailwindcss modules , using the steps below

steps to follow installing the project

npx install

to run the project

npm run start

6. Used resources and documentation


  • Unsplash API [used to get images]


To Run the app use

1. npm run start

Feedback and issues

Any issue and feedback from the app don't hesitate to make an issue


Niyonshuti Prince
