
A Domain-Specific Programming Language for Analyzing Quantum Algorithms

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A domain-specific programming language for analyzing quantum algorithms using the quantum circuit model and probabilistic computing. Implemented in python with exclusively numpy.
Paradigms: Quantum, Probabilistic, Imperative, Interpreted









Qbot is a domain-specific programming language for analyzing quantum algorithms using the quantum circuit model and probabilistic computing.

Qbot uses a wrapped version of python's expression evaluation for its own expression evaluation, some examples of primitive/expression behaviour will be in python for this reason.

Terminology used throughout this document:

  • state refers to the qubit register
  • targets refers to qubits in state being affected by an operation (such as a unitary or measurement)

Probabilistic Computing

Rather than using a random number generator to decide the outcome of a random processes (i.e. measurement), qbot stores the outcomes and associated probabilities in a special primitive called a ProbVal which can be used in further computation.

Quantum Circuit Model

Qbot has a register of qubits on which it applies unitary matrices, measurements, etc. On top of this, qbot contains a traditional namespace to be used in computation which comes pre-populated with many commonly needed unitaries, states, bases and operations. Anything missing can be created using the inbuilt tools, or the exposed numpy functions, all of which are compatible with ProbVals.



git clone https://github.com/PrinceOfPuppers/qbot
pip install -e .

File Execution

$ qbot [FILE]

Where [FILE] is either a relative or absolute path, the canonical file extension is .qb however this is not nessisary for qbot to attempt to execute a file.

Python Embedding

from qbot import executeTxt, executeFile

qbScript = \
cout "hello world!"


filePath = 'path/to/test.qb'
with open(filePath, 'r') as f:

General Syntax

The syntax resembles an assembly language:

OPERATION arg1 ; arg2 ; ...

Where the arguments are valid python expressions separated by ;. operations may act on state, measure the state, define variables and control flow, among other functions.



List does not include standard python types or primitives.


Qbot allows for the creation of probabilistic values (ProbVals) which are in essence a classical superposition of multiple possible values. They behave very similarly to standard variables in python, for example:

# python example
x = ProbVal([0.5, 0.5], [1, 3])
y = 4
print(x + y) # prints ProbVal([0.5, 0.5], [5, 8])

print(x == 3) # prints ProbVal([0.5, 0.5], [False, True])

They are compatible with nearly all inbuilt python operators, qbot specific helper functions, and the provided numpy/math functions. ProbVals will auto normalize on instantiation.

ProbVal Attributes:

  • x.values - list<any>
    List of values x could be
  • x.probs - list<float>
    List of probabilities for each value

ProbVal Methods:

  • x.toDensity() -> np.ndarray
    Return density matrix if all values are either kets (1d np.ndarray), or density matrices (2d np.ndarray)
  • x.map(lambdaFunc) -> ProbVal
    Returns a ProbVal with all the values in x mapped to return of lambdaFunc
  • x.instance() -> any
    Used for instance checking, i.e. if isinstance(x.instance(), int), returns the first value from x.values if all values are of the same type, else returns None
  • x.typeString() -> string
    Returns ProbVal<[TYPE]> if all values are of type [TYPE], else returns ProbVal<mixed>
  • x.isEquivalent(y) -> bool
    Returns True if x and y are completely interchangeable (contain all the same values with the same probabilities), else False

ProbVal also implements nearly all python dunder methods, which allows for its compatibility with python's operators and the like.


Qbot predefines computation hadamard bell bases to be used to state creation and measurement, bases are represented as Basis type and can be indexed to get specific basis states, and passed directly to the measurement operator. Bases have several aliases for convenience i.e. comp, hada, etc.

note qbot example

note set x to |0〉
cdef x ; comp[0]

note set y to |010〉
cdef y ; tensorProd(comp[0], comp[1], comp[0])

note set z to |+〉
cdef y ; hada[0]

Predefined bases aliases:

  • computation basis aliases:
    comp, computation, computational, compBasis, computationBasis, computationalBasis
  • hadamard basis aliases:
    hadamard, had, hada, hadamardBasis, hadBasis, hadaBasis
  • bell basis aliases:
    bell, epr, bellBasis, eprBasis

Basis Attributes:

  • x.names - list<string>
    List of aliases
  • x.numQubits - int
    Corresponds to the size of basis states
  • x.density - list<np.ndarray>
    List of basis state density matrices
  • x.kets - list<np.ndarray>
    List of basis state kets

Basis "Methods":

  • x[i] -> np.ndarray
    Returns a density matrix of the ith basis state (short form of x.density[i])


Returned by measurement operator, contains information about a measurement. Can be directly printed out using cout operator for a clear readout of the results of a measurement. Also returned by peek operator.

note qbot example

note set state to |0>, measure state to x, print x
qset computation[0]
meas x ; computation
cout x

This will print:

|0〉- 1.0 (100.0%)
|1〉- 0.0 (0.0%)

MeasurementResult Attributes:

  • x.probs - list<float>
    List of probabilities for each state in the measurement basis
  • x.basisDensity - list<np.ndarray>
    List of measurement basis states corresponding to x.probs
  • x.basisSymbols - list<string>
    List symbols of each measurement basis kets (used in printout)
  • x.newState - np.ndarray
    Density matrix of state after measurement (what state is assigned to)
  • x.unMeasuredDensity - np.ndarray
    Density matrix partially traced target qubits before measurement, gets turned into x.newState



NOTE: All listed functions are compatible with ProbVal arguments so long as the ProbVal values are of the correct type.


  • identityGate - np.ndarray
  • hadamardGate - np.ndarray
  • pauliXGate - np.ndarray
  • pauliYGate - np.ndarray
  • pauliZGate - np.ndarray
  • xRotGate - np.ndarray
  • yRotGate - np.ndarray
  • zRotGate - np.ndarray
  • qftGate(numQubits: int) -> np.ndarray
  • simonsGate(numQubits: int, f: Callable) -> np.ndarray
    implements U_f: |x〉|b〉 -> |x〉|b addmod2 f(x)〉
  • swapGate(numQubits: int, qubitA: int, qubitB: int) -> np.ndarray
    swaps qubitA and qubitB
  • shiftGate(numQubits: int, up:bool = True) -> np.ndarray
    shifts all qubits up or down


  • Computational Basis States
  • Hadamard Basis States
  • Bell (EPR) Basis States

For more information about how these are represented/applied see Basis.

Combining Gates/States

Qbot contains the following helpers implementing tensor/kroneker product:

  • tensorProd(*args: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray
    takes the tensor product of a variable number of np.ndarrays
  • tensorExp(arg: np.ndarray, n:int) -> np.ndarray
    tensor exponent ie) tensorExp(hadamardGate, 2) == tensorProd(hadamardGate, hadamardGate)
  • tensorPermute(numTensProd: int, n: int, densities: Basis or list<np.ndarray>) -> np.ndarray \ returns the nth permutation of of numTensProd states in densities ie) tensorPermute(3, 2, comp) == tensorProd(comp[0], comp[1], comp[0])

numpy/math wrappers

Qbot exposes nearly all numpy, numpy.linalg and builtin python math functions and wraps them to be compatible with ProbVal. numpy functions are prefixed with np_*, linalg with linalg_* and math functions with math_*.


  • math_cos
  • math_pi
  • np_array
  • linalg_solve
  • etc...

For a full list please see qbot/evaluation.py.



Quick format info:

operator [arg1] ; [arg2] ; [optionalArg3?] ; ...

[arg1]           - type
[arg2]           - typeA, orTypeB, ...
[optionalArg3?]  - typeA, orTypeB, ... (optional)

As a reminder, the qubit register will be referred to as state, target/targets refers to target qubits in state.



cdef [identifier] ; [value]

[identifier] - identifier
[value]      - any

Adds [value] to the namespace under name [identifier].

Operator name stands for "classical define".


cdef x ; 1234
cdef y ; ProbVal([0.25, 0.75], ["hello", "there"])


qdef [identifier] ; [valueExpr]

[identifier] - identifier
[value]      - np.ndarray, ProbVal<np.ndarray>

Adds [value] to the namespace under name [identifier]. [value] type must be np.ndarray or ProbVal<np.ndarray>, kets and ProbVals are converted into density matrices.

Operator name stands for "quantum define".


qdef x ; tensorProd(computation[0], computation[1])
qdef y ; ProbVal([0.25, 0.75], [hadamard[0], bell[1]])

State Manipulation


qset [newState] ; [targets?]

[newState] - np.ndarray, ProbVal<np.ndarray>
[targets?] - int, list<int>, ProbVal<int>, ProbVal<list<int>> (optional)

Sets [targets?] qubits in state to [newState], if [targets?] are not provided, discards current register and sets it to [newState].

Operator name stands for "quantum set".


gate [gate] ; [targets?] ; [controls?] ; [conditional?]

[gate]         - np.ndarray, ProbVal<np.ndarray>
[targets?]     - int, list<int>, ProbVal<int>, ProbVal<list<int>> (optional)
[controls?]    - int, list<int>, ProbVal<int>, ProbVal<list<int>> (optional)
[conditional?] - bool, ProbVal<bool>

Applies unitary gate to [targets?] qubits in state with [controls?]. gate application can also be controlled by a classical condition using [conditional?].


disc [targets]

[targets] - int, list<int>, ProbVal<int>, ProbVal<list<int>>

Traces out [targets] from state.

Operator name stands for "discard".


swap [targetA] ; [targetB]

[targetA] - int, ProbVal<int>
[targetB] - int, ProbVal<int>

Swaps [targetA] and [targetB] in state, equivalent to gate swapGate(numQubits, targetA, targetB) where numQubits is the number of qubits in state.



meas [identifer] ; [basis] ; [targets?]

[identifier] - identifier
[basis]      - Basis
[targets?]   - int, list<int>, ProbVal<int>, ProbVal<list<int>> (optional)

Measures [targets?] of state with respect to [basis] and sets [identifer] to the result. [targets?] in state are collapsed to an ensemble of measurement basis states.

Operator name stands for "measurement".


peek [identifer] ; [basis] ; [targets?]

[identifier] - identifier
[basis]      - Basis
[targets?]   - int, list<int>, ProbVal<int>, ProbVal<list<int>> (optional)

Similar to meas, peek measures [targets?] of state with respect to [basis] and sets [identifer] to the result, however state remains completely unaffected.

Control Flow


mark [identifer]

[identifier] - identifier

Marks a line with [identifier] to later be jumped to with jump or cjmp.


jump [identifer]

[identifier] - identifier

Jumps to mark [identifier].


cjmp [identifer] ; [condition]

[identifier] - identifier
[condition]  - bool

Jumps to mark [identifier] if [condition] is true.


retr [condition?]

[condition?]  - bool (optional)

Returns (jumps) to line after most recent jump/cjmp statement if [condition?] is true, if there is no [condition?] always jumps. If there was no prior jump statement, returns to start of script.

operator name stands for "return".


halt [condition?]

[condition?]  - bool (optional)

Halts execution if [condition?] is true, if there is no [condition?] always halts.



pydo [expr]

[expr]  - any

Evaluates expression [expr] and ignores what it evaluates to, identical to using cdef x ; [expr] but without variable assignment.

Operator name stands for "python do".


cdef x ; ["hello"]
pydo x.append("there")


cout [toPrint]

[toPrint] - any

Evaluates [toPrint] and prints it.

Operator name stands for "console out".



Superdense Coding

This algorithm tests all 4 permutations of 2 classical bits that can be transmitted by 1 qubit under superdense coding. It stores the results of the bell measurement in the results list (used in qbot's unit testing).

cdef results ; []
cdef index ; 0

mark loop
qset bell[0]
gate pauliXGate ; 0 ; [] ; (index & 0b01) != 0
gate pauliZGate ; 0 ; [] ; (index & 0b10) != 0
meas result ; bell
pydo results.append(result.probs)
cdef index ; index + 1
cjmp loop ; index < 4

Phase Kickback

Reads out list of eigan values [1, -1] of the c-not gate associated with eigan vectors |+〉 (hadamard plus) and |-〉 (hadamard minus).

cdef results ; []

note eiganValue is 1
qset tensorProd(comp[0], hada[0])
jump checkPhase

note eiganValue is -1
qset tensorProd(comp[0], hada[1])
jump checkPhase

cout results

mark checkPhase
gate hadamardGate ; 0
gate pauliXGate   ; 1 ; 0
gate hadamardGate ; 0
meas tmp ; comp ; 0
pydo results.append(1 if np_isclose(tmp[0], 1.0) else -1)

The Deutsch Algorithm

Determines if lambda function is balanced or constant using a single call to a gate derived from it. Tested with a constant lambda function, then a balanced one.

cdef results ; []

note constant f (should return |0〉)
cdef f ; lambda x: 1
jump check

note balanced f (should return |1〉)
cdef f ; lambda x: x
jump check


mark check
qset tensorProd(comp[0], hada[1])
gate hadamardGate ; 0
gate simonsGate(2, f)
gate hadamardGate ; 0
meas tmp ; comp ; 0
pydo results.append("constant" if np_isclose(tmp.probs[0], 1.0) else "balanced")