
Primary LanguageLua


  • The space key is mapped to the leader key
  • Use jk or kj to escape out of insert mode(I recommend using the caps lock key as escape)
  • Leader + e is to toggle the file tree
  • Leader + l is used to open lazygit
  • Alt + hjkl are used to resize windows
  • Ctrl + hjkl are used to navigate around windows
  • Tab and Shift-Tab are used to cycle through buffers
  • K and J are used to move the selected text up or down in visual mode
  • Leader + / is used to comment or uncomment the current line in normal mode and selected lines in visual mode
  • Leader + r is used to grep text using telescope
  • Leader + f is used to find files using telescope
  • Leader + b is used to search buffers using telescope
  • s is used to hop two characters using hop.nvim
  • S is used to hop words using hop.nvim
  • Ctrl + jk is used to navigate through the completion menu
  • You can use both Leader + t or Ctrl + \ to open toggleterm
  • Shift + k is used for lspsaga hover doc
  • gd is for go to definition
  • gD is for go to declaration
  • gr is for references
  • gi is for implementation
  • ca is for code actions
  • Leader + z is for zen mode. If you have zen-mode, then Twilight is activated automatically.


git clone https://github.com/PrinceP/nvim ~/.config/nvim
cd ~/.config/nvim
nvim +PackerSync
