Created using Node.js, javascript and some xml, this enables users to call a number and get some desired reply on DTMF tones
- First, from the terminal run "npm install"
- Run this files on a local server or online server (even better)
- If local server is used use "ngrok" to run the local server online making it publicly available.
- Get the online server link and create a account in and paste this url link in the voice url box
- Now call on the number provided by using your pin number
- That's all, see the app running yourself
- When the user calls the number, it will ask them if they are male(1) or female(2)
- If the user chooses male, then it will ask them if they are above 21(1), or below(2). For females it will ask them if they are above 18(1) or below(2)
- If the user chooses 1 above, it gives the message - "You are an adult", else it will give the message "Minors are not allowed".
- End the call