Pinned Repositories
Explore my ML portfolio | Pushing the boundaries of ML | Venturing into supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning | Encompassing classification, regression, NLP, time-series analysis, explainable AI, and image segmentation.
Script to install an Aura Kingdom server.
AntiquShop is a buying and selling desktop application I made it in 2018 to fullfill the requirement of visualprogramming and software engineering university class. I made it using C#, Visual Studio IDE and MySQL
Belajar Git Remote
This is a Desktop Application that I made in 2016, to implementing the sorting such as bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, and also all of our exercises through JAVA language programming and Sublime Text, to combine those exercises using interface call. Start from file. Spesific Information such as source code can be found through link below,
I made this application at summer in 2016 in order to complete Final test of Object Oriented Programming when I took that class at University of Klabat. The lecturer name was Sir. Sevendi Eldrige Rifki Poluan. This project is advanced converter desktop application with interactive character(Live2d/GIF) using JAVA Language Programming and NETBEANS software as it environment. This application consist of error handling, subnetting, primary number, advanced and interactive converter that using character as little guidance and also, she's cute.
Just a simple java program to help me doing my mensetsu/wawancara/japanese interview. This is only a simple program, so don't expect too much from it. But I'm happy to share it's logic and how it works to all people in the world that might enter the similiar situations =D
Q&A Bareng Programmer Zaman Now, Orang Ganteng dan Intelek
PrinceSondakh's Repositories
I made this application at summer in 2016 in order to complete Final test of Object Oriented Programming when I took that class at University of Klabat. The lecturer name was Sir. Sevendi Eldrige Rifki Poluan. This project is advanced converter desktop application with interactive character(Live2d/GIF) using JAVA Language Programming and NETBEANS software as it environment. This application consist of error handling, subnetting, primary number, advanced and interactive converter that using character as little guidance and also, she's cute.
AntiquShop is a buying and selling desktop application I made it in 2018 to fullfill the requirement of visualprogramming and software engineering university class. I made it using C#, Visual Studio IDE and MySQL
This is a Desktop Application that I made in 2016, to implementing the sorting such as bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, and also all of our exercises through JAVA language programming and Sublime Text, to combine those exercises using interface call. Start from file. Spesific Information such as source code can be found through link below,
Just a simple java program to help me doing my mensetsu/wawancara/japanese interview. This is only a simple program, so don't expect too much from it. But I'm happy to share it's logic and how it works to all people in the world that might enter the similiar situations =D
Explore my ML portfolio | Pushing the boundaries of ML | Venturing into supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning | Encompassing classification, regression, NLP, time-series analysis, explainable AI, and image segmentation.
Script to install an Aura Kingdom server.
Belajar Git Remote
v.1 case study java basic todolist application(4Sep2022)