- adelsonsena
- banrenmasanxing
- bob-rietveldRamp Up
- BorisZubarevUfa
- buscamais
- candyyinzx
- corbyrossetJohns Hopkins University
- CrawlingForward
- eridgdPittsburgh, PA
- fanfannothing百度
- fengdanibtChina
- HaibinAL
- huangxizhiBeiJing, China
- huntercmd
- iamsilealibaba
- icefire181shanghai
- JacksonWuxsUniversity of Georgia, School of Computing
- jhcloos
- liuzl<-Baidu/Tencent/MSRA
- lx1259TCL
- melancholicwang
- mengxiang
- nathanwindle
- nunofernandes-plightPhotonics Precision Technologies, The Intelligence of Information & FasterCapital
- oborchersOxolo
- qinxunhui
- RoottanShanghai CN
- RuijieRa
- smartfeature
- tkhan3
- tychotax
- Ulitochka
- YingyuLiangUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
- zpnec